Octávo Kaléndas Aprílis. Luna


Octávo Kaléndas Aprílis. Luna. The Twenty-Fifth Day of March. The Night of the Moon. 

Annuntiátio beatíssimæ Vírginis Genitrícis Dei Maríæ. The Annunciation of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

Hierosólymis commemorátio sancti Latrónis, qui, in cruce Christum conféssus, ab eo méruit audíre: « Hódie mecum eris in paradíso ». At Jerusalem, the commemoration of the good thief who confessed Christ on the cross, and who deserved to hear from him these words: “This day shalt thou be with me in paradise.”

Romæ sancti Quiríni Mártyris, qui, sub Cláudio Imperatóre, post facultátum amissiónem, post cárceris squalórem, post multórum vérberum afflictiónem, gládio interféctus est et in Tíberim projéctus; quem Christiáni, cum in ínsula Lycaónia (quæ póstea sancti Bartholomæi dicta est) inveníssent, in cœmetério Pontiáni condidérunt. At Rome, St. Quirinus, martyr, who after losing his possessions, suffering imprisonment in a dark dungeon, and being cruelly scourged, was put to death with the sword, and thrown into the Tiber. The Christians found his body on the island of Lycaonia (which was thereafter called St. Bartholomew’s), and buried it in the Pontian cemetery.
Item Romæ sanctórum ducentórum sexagínta duórum Mártyrum. Also at Rome, two hundred and sixty-two holy martyrs.
Sírmii pássio sancti Irenǽi, Epíscopi et Mártyris; qui, témpore Maximiáni Imperatóris, sub Præside Probo, primum torméntis acérrimis vexátus, deínde diébus plúrimis cruciátus in cárcere, novíssime, abscísso cápite, consummátus est. At Sirmium, the martyrdom of St. Irenaeus, bishop. In the time of Emperor Maximian, under the governor Probus, after undergoing bitter torments and a painful imprisonment for may days, he was beheaded.
Nicomedíæ sanctæ Dulæ, cujúsdam mílitis ancíllæ, quæ, ob castitátem servándam occísa, martyrii corónam proméruit. At Nicomedia, St. Dula, the servant of a soldier, who was killed for the preservation of her chastity, and deserved the crown of martyrdom.
Laodicéæ, ad Líbanum, sancti Pelágii Epíscopi, qui, ob fidem cathólicam, témpore Valéntis, exsílium et ália passus est; ac tandem, in sedem suam restitútus, quiévit in Dómino. At Laodicea, St. Pelagius, bishop, who after having endured exile and other afflictions for the Catholic faith under Valens, rested in the Lord.

In Antro, ínsula Lígeris flúminis, sancti Hermelándi Abbátis, cujus gloriósa conversátio insígni miraculórum præcónio commendátur. At Indre, an island in the Loire, Abbot St. Hermeland, whose glorious life was commended by outstanding miracles.
Pistórii, in Túscia, sanctórum Confessórum Baróntii et Desidérii. At Pistoia, the holy confessors Barontius and Desiderius.

Faliscodúni sanctæ Lúciæ Filippíni, Fundatrícis Institúti Magistrárum Piárum ab ejus cognómine nuncupatárum, de Christiána puellárum et mulíerum, præsértim páuperum, eruditióne óptime méritæ, quam Pius Papa Undécimus inter sanctas Vírgines rétulit. At Montefiascone, St. Lucia Filippini, founder of the Institute of Pious Teachers, from whose surname they are known as Filippines. Having merited greatly by the Christian education of girls and women, especially of the poor, Pope Pius XI enrolled her among the holy virgins.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

March XXV.
The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Cammin, Abbot

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