Sextodécimo Kaléndas Aprilis. Luna.


Sextodécimo Kaléndas Aprilis.  Luna. The Seventeenth Day of March. The Night of the Moon.

Apud civitátem Dunum, in Hibérnia, natális sancti Patrícii, Epíscopi et Confessóris, qui primus in ea ínsula Christum evangelizávit, et máximis miráculis et virtútibus cláruit. At Downpatrick in Ireland, the birthday of St. Patrick, bishop and confessor, who was the first to preach Christ in that country, and who became illustrious by great miracles and virtues. Hierosólymis sancti Joseph ab Arimathǽa, qui nóbilis Decúrio et discípulus Dómini éxstitit; atque ipsíus Dómini corpus, de cruce depósitum, in monuménto suo novo sepelívit. At Jerusalem, St. Joseph of Arimathea, noble senator and disciple of our Lord,. who took his Body down from the Cross and buried it in his own new sepulchre. Romæ sanctórum Alexándri et Theodóri Mártyrum. At Rome, the Saints Alexander and Theodore, martyrs. Alexandríæ commemorátio plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum, qui a Serápidis cultóribus comprehénsi, et, cum adoráre idólum constánter renuíssent, sævíssime cæsi sunt, témpore Theodósii Imperatóris; qui mox rescríptum dedit, ut Serápidis templum destruerétur. At Alexandria, the commemoration of many holy martyrs, who, being seized by the worshippers of Serapis, and refusing constantly to adore that idol, were cruelly murdered. Emperor Theodosius, who issued the order, afterwards commanded that the temple of Serapis should be destroyed. Constantinópoli sancti Pauli Mártyris, qui, sub Constantíno Coprónymo, cum sanctárum Imáginum cultum defénderet, igne combústus est. At Constantinople, St. Paul, martyr, who was burned alive by Constantine Copronymus, for defending the veneration of sacred images. Cabillóne, in Gálliis, sancti Agrícolæ Epíscopi. At Chalons in France, St. Agricola, bishop. Nivigéllæ, in Brabántia, sanctæ Gertrúdis Vírginis, quæ claríssimo génere orta, despíciens mundum et toto vitæ suæ cursu in ómnibus sanctitátis offíciis se exércens, Christum sponsum in cælis habére méruit. At Nivelle in Brabant, St. Gertrude, a virgin of noble birth. Because she despised the world, and during her whole life practised all kinds of good works, she deserved to have Christ for her spouse in heaven.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

March XVII.
St. Patrick, Bishop and Confessor, Apostle of Ireland
SS. Many Martyrs of Alexandria, in 392
St. Joseph, of Arimathea
St. Gertrude, Virgin and Abbess of Nivelle

ORCCE Ordo: S. Patricii Episcopi et Conf. ~ Duplex: Commemoratio: Feria Secunda infra Hebdomadam II in Quadragesima

Nota Bene: 

Air Force Academy Removes Bible Verse From Cadet’s Whiteboard

Islamic Extremists in Somalia Behead Two Christians

Asia Bibi’s Trial Begins

Attacks on Memorial Crosses Multiply

Kim Jong-Un Orders Execution Of 33 People For Contact With Christian Missionary

Nigeria: Boko Haram—Over 500 Catholics killed and 20 churches and priests houses destroyed since 2009

It’s About to Get Real

Grieving California mom takes down cross on road after Atheist’s protest

Woman in Sweden Denied Work as Midwife for Refusing to Perform Abortions

Muslim Extremists Sabotaged Church Foundations In A Village Near Okara

Are Middle Eastern Christians Considered Collateral Damage?

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Open Season on Christians in Libya

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

U.S. Supreme High Court turns away homeschoolers’ request for asylum

Why Are Christians the World’s Most Persecuted Group?

Why Has Boko-Haram’s Attacks Continued Unchecked?

The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’s dhimmi pact for the Christians of Raqqa province

Sudan Arrests Pastor During Sermon, Threatens Him

Mainstream Media Mum on Atrocities Against Christians

Islamist Militia Group in Libya Suspected in Killing of Seven Coptic Christians

Religious Leaders In CAR Calling For Calm : “Churches and mosques must be rid of armed infiltrators”

WRITE TO ENCOURAGE Pastor Behnam Irani imprisoned in Iran

Filmmakers address plight of Middle East Christians

Iowa State removing Bibles from hotel guest rooms

Burma (Myanmar): Ethnic Cleansing of Christian Kachin

Syrian town of Saidnaya battles armed groups

Enquiry Of Increased Violence In CAR

Machine Gun Preacher Raided By FBI

Pakistan Christian Man Allegedly Tortured and Murdered By Police in Islamabad

Two murdered in Russian church shooting

Anti-Christian Violence Detailed in Hearing Calling for Filling of Religious Freedom Post

NIGERIA: Terrorists Brutally Attack Christians While Sparing Muslim Neighbors

Reports of Horrific Torture Of Children In Syria

Kenneth Bae returned to labor camp, sister pleads for his release #BringBackBae

Death In the Nuba Mountains

‘Proselytism’ Conviction of Convert from Islam in Morocco Overturned

Central African Republic: Soldiers Lynch Man Minutes After Presidential Address

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

Grenade Attack on Phillippine Church

How Syrian Christians Are In Danger

Syria’s Catholic Leader Opposes Plans to Bring Refugees to the West

American Detained By North Korea- Free Kenneth Bae

Update: Pastor and Son Killed in Central African Republic as Religious Leaders Try to Keep Peace

Chaos In The Central African Republic, Making Sense & Asking Questions

Nigeria: Battered By Islamic Terror Group – Kill 52, Set 300 Houses Ablaze

Forgive or Forget: Survivors of genocide in the Holocaust, Rwanda & Cambodia

Michigan Mom says School Told Son Not to Bring Bible to School

Syria: Christian Stabbed with Crucifix, Decapitated

Décimo séptimo Kaléndas Aprilis. Luna.


Décimo séptimo Kaléndas Aprilis.  Luna. The Sixteenth Day of March. The Night of the Moon.

Romæ pássio sancti Cyríaci Diáconi, qui, post longam cárceris maceratiónem, liquáta pice perfúsus et in catásta exténsus, attráctus étiam nervis et fústibus cæsus, ad últimum, cum Largo et Smarágdo et áliis vigínti, jubénte Maximiáno, cápite truncátus est. Sanctórum vero Cyríaci, Largi et Smarágdi festívitas sexto Idus Augústi recólitur, quo die a beáto Marcéllo Papa córpora eorúndem vigínti trium Mártyrum leváta sunt ac venerabíliter tumuláta. At Rome the martyrdom of the deacon St. Cyriacus, who, after a long imprisonment, had melted pitch poured over him, was stretched on the rack, had his limbs pulled with ropes, was beaten with clubs, and finally was beheaded by order of Maximian, together with Largus, Smaragdus, and twenty others. Their feast, however, is kept on the 8th of August, the day on which these twenty-three martyrs were exhumed by blessed Pope Marcellus and reverently entombed. Aquiléjæ natális beáti Hilárii Epíscopi, et Tatiáni Diáconi, qui, sub Numeriáno Imperatóre et Berónio Præside, post equúleum atque ália torménta, una cum Felíce, Largo et Dionysio, martyrium terminárunt. At Aquileia, in the time of Emperor Numerian and the governor Beronius, the birthday of the holy bishop Hilary, and the deacon Tatian, who were martyred with Felix, Largus, and Denis, after being subjected to the rack and other tortures. In Lycaónia sancti Papæ Mártyris, qui, ob Christi fidem, verbéribus cæsus, úngulis férreis lacerátus, clavátis cálceis incédere jussus est; deínde árbori alligátus, eándem árborem, migrans ad Dóminum, ex stérili réddidit fructuósam. In Lycaonia, the holy martyr Papas, who was scourged for the Christian faith, had his flesh torn with iron hooks, and was compelled to walk with shoes pierced with nails, and was finally bound to a barren tree. In leaving this world to go to God, he rendered this same tree fruitful. Anazárbi, in Cilícia, sancti Juliáni Mártyris, qui, sub Marciáno Præside, diutíssime cruciátus, demum, in sacco una cum serpéntibus inclúsus, in mare demérsus est. At Anazarbum in Cilicia, under the governor Marcian, the martyr St. Julian, who was a long time tortured, then put into a sack with serpents, and cast into the sea. In dicióne Canadénsi sanctórum Mártyrum Joánnis de Brébeuf, Gabriélis Lalemant, Antónii Daniel, Cároli Garnier et Natális Chabanel, Presbyterórum Societátis Jesu, qui in Hurónica Missióne, hac aliísque diébus, post multos labóres et sævíssimos cruciátus, mortem pro Christo fórtiter obiérunt. In the territory of Canada, Saints John de Brébeuf, Gabriel Lalemant, Anthony Daniel, Charles Garnier, and Noel Chabanel, priests of the Society of Jesus, who in the mission of the Hurons, on this and other days, after many labours and most cruel torments, bravely underwent death for Christ. Ravénnæ sancti Agapíti, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Ravenna, St. Agapitus, bishop and confessor. Colóniæ Agrippínæ sancti Heribérti Epíscopi, sanctitáte célebris. At Cologne, St. Heribert, bishop, celebrated for sanctity. Arvérnis, in Gállia, deposítio sancti Patrícii Epíscopi. In Auvergne, the death of St. Patrick, bishop. In Syria sancti Abrahæ Eremítæ, cujus res gestas beátus Ephræm Diáconus conscrípsit. In Syria, St. Abraham, hermit, whose life has been written by the blessed deacon Ephrem.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

March XVI.
St. Julian of Cilicia, Martyr
St. Finian, surnamed Lobhar, or the Leper

ORCCE Ordo: Sabbato Quattuor Temporum Quadrigeismæ ~ Feria major

Nota Bene: 

Attacks on Memorial Crosses Multiply

Kim Jong-Un Orders Execution Of 33 People For Contact With Christian Missionary

Nigeria: Boko Haram—Over 500 Catholics killed and 20 churches and priests houses destroyed since 2009

It’s About to Get Real

Grieving California mom takes down cross on road after Atheist’s protest

Woman in Sweden Denied Work as Midwife for Refusing to Perform Abortions

Muslim Extremists Sabotaged Church Foundations In A Village Near Okara

Are Middle Eastern Christians Considered Collateral Damage?

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Open Season on Christians in Libya

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

U.S. Supreme High Court turns away homeschoolers’ request for asylum

Why Are Christians the World’s Most Persecuted Group?

Why Has Boko-Haram’s Attacks Continued Unchecked?

The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’s dhimmi pact for the Christians of Raqqa province

Sudan Arrests Pastor During Sermon, Threatens Him

Mainstream Media Mum on Atrocities Against Christians

Islamist Militia Group in Libya Suspected in Killing of Seven Coptic Christians

Religious Leaders In CAR Calling For Calm : “Churches and mosques must be rid of armed infiltrators”

WRITE TO ENCOURAGE Pastor Behnam Irani imprisoned in Iran

Filmmakers address plight of Middle East Christians

Iowa State removing Bibles from hotel guest rooms

Burma (Myanmar): Ethnic Cleansing of Christian Kachin

Syrian town of Saidnaya battles armed groups

Enquiry Of Increased Violence In CAR

Machine Gun Preacher Raided By FBI

Pakistan Christian Man Allegedly Tortured and Murdered By Police in Islamabad

Two murdered in Russian church shooting

Anti-Christian Violence Detailed in Hearing Calling for Filling of Religious Freedom Post

NIGERIA: Terrorists Brutally Attack Christians While Sparing Muslim Neighbors

Reports of Horrific Torture Of Children In Syria

Kenneth Bae returned to labor camp, sister pleads for his release #BringBackBae

Death In the Nuba Mountains

‘Proselytism’ Conviction of Convert from Islam in Morocco Overturned

Central African Republic: Soldiers Lynch Man Minutes After Presidential Address

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

Grenade Attack on Phillippine Church

How Syrian Christians Are In Danger

Syria’s Catholic Leader Opposes Plans to Bring Refugees to the West

American Detained By North Korea- Free Kenneth Bae

Update: Pastor and Son Killed in Central African Republic as Religious Leaders Try to Keep Peace

Chaos In The Central African Republic, Making Sense & Asking Questions

Nigeria: Battered By Islamic Terror Group – Kill 52, Set 300 Houses Ablaze

Forgive or Forget: Survivors of genocide in the Holocaust, Rwanda & Cambodia

Michigan Mom says School Told Son Not to Bring Bible to School

Syria: Christian Stabbed with Crucifix, Decapitated

Idibus Mártii. Luna. The Fifteenth Day of March


Idibus Mártii. Luna. The Fifteenth Day of March. The Night of the Moon. 

Cæsaréæ, in Cappadócia, pássio sancti Longíni mílitis, qui Dómini latus láncea perforásse perhibétur. At Caesarea in Cappadocia, the martyrdom of St. Longinus, the soldier who is said to have pierced our Lord’s side with a lance.
Eódem die natális sancti Aristobúli, Apostolórum discípuli, qui, cursu prædicatiónis perácto, martyrium consummávit. The same day, the birthday of St. Aristobulus, a disciple of the apostles, who completed by martyrdom a life spent in preaching the Gospel.
In Hellespónto sancti Menígni fullónis, qui sub Décio Imperatóre passus est. In the Hellespont, St. Menignus, a dyer, who suffered under Decius.
In Ægypto sancti Nicándri Mártyris, qui, cum sanctórum Mártyrum relíquias studióse perquíreret, et ipse méruit éffici Martyr, sub Diocletiáno Imperatóre. In Egypt, St. Nicander, martyr, who sought diligently for the remains of the holy martyrs, and thus merited to be made a martyr himself, under Emperor Diocletian.

Córdubæ, in Hispánia, sanctæ Leocrítiæ, Vírginis et Mártyris; quæ ob Christi fidem, in persecutióne Arábica, divérsis cruciátibus afflícta et gládio decolláta est. At Cordova in Spain, St. Leocritia, virgin and martyr. She suffered various cruel tortures and was beheaded for the faith of Christ during the Arabian persecution.

Thessalonícæ sanctæ Matrónæ, quæ, cum esset ancílla cujúsdam Judǽæ, et occúlte Christum cóleret, ac furtívis oratiónibus quotídie Ecclésiam frequentáret, a dómina sua est deprehénsa et multiplíciter afflícta, atque novíssime, robústis fústibus usque ad mortem cæsa, in confessióne Christi, incorrúptum Deo spíritum réddidit. At Thessalonica, St. Matrona, servant of a Jewess, who, worshipping Christ secretly, and stealing away daily to pray in the church, was detected by her mistress and subjected to many trials. Being at last beaten to death with large clubs, she gave up her pure soul to God in confessing Christ.
Reáte sancti Probi Epíscopi, cui moriénti Juvenális et Eleuthérius Mártyres adfuérunt. At Rieti, the bishop St. Probus, at whose death the martyrs Juvenal and Eleutherius were present.

Vindobónæ, in Austria, sancti Cleméntis-Maríæ Hofbauer, Sacerdótis proféssi Congregatiónis a sanctíssimo Redemptóre nuncupátæ, plúrimis in Dei glória et animárum salúte promovénda ac dilatánda ipsa Congregatióne exantlátis labóribus insígnis; quem, virtútibus et miráculis clarum, Pius Décimus, Póntifex Máximus, in Sanctórum cánonem rétulit. At Vienna in Austria, St. Clement Mary Hofbauer, a priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, renowned for his great devotion in promoting the glory of God and the salvation of souls, and in extending that order. He was canonized by Pope Pius X.
Apud Cápuam sancti Speciósi Mónachi, cujus ánimam (ut scribit beátus Gregórius Papa) germánus ejus deférri vidit in cælum. At Capua, the monk St. Speciosus, whose soul his brother saw being taken into heaven, as is recorded by Pope St. Gregory.

Lutétiæ Parisiórum sanctæ Ludovícæ de Marillac, víduæ Le Gras, Societátis Puellárum a Caritáte una cum sancto Vincéntio a Paulo Fundatrícis, egénis sublevándis addictíssimæ, quam Pius Papa Undécimus Sanctárum fastis accénsuit. At Paris, the birthday of St. Louise de Marillac, a widow of Le Gras, co-founder with St. Vincent de Paul of the Society of the Daughters of Charity. Outstanding for her virtues and miracles, her name was inscribed on the roll of the saints by Pope Pius XI.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

March XV.
St. Abraham, Hermit
St. Zachary, Pope and Confessor

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today. FOR NEWS OF CONTEMPORARY MARTYRS…

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Prídie Idus Mártii. Luna.


Prídie Idus Mártii.  Luna. The Fourteenth Day of March. The Night of the Moon.

Romæ, in agro Veráno, sancti Leónis, Epíscopi et Mártyris. At Rome, in the Veranian Field, St. Leo, bishop and martyr. Item Romæ natális sanctórum quadragínta septem Mártyrum, qui baptizáti sunt a beáto Apóstolo Petro, cum tenerétur in custódia Mamertíni cum Coapóstolo suo Paulo, ubi novem menses deténti sunt; qui omnes, sub devotíssima fídei confessióne, Neroniáno gládio consúmpti sunt. Also at Rome, the birthday of forty-seven holy martyrs who were baptized by the apostle St. Peter while in the Mamertine Prison with St. Paul his fellow apostle. After an imprisonment of nine months, they all fell by the sword of Nero for their generous confession of faith. In Província Valériæ sanctórum duórum Monachórum, quos Longobárdi suspéndio necavérunt in árbore; in qua Mártyres, licet defúncti, ab hóstibus ipsis audíti sunt psállere. In the province of Valeria, two saintly monks, who were hanged on a tree by the Lombards, and although dead, were heard singing psalms even by their enemies. In ea étiam persecutióne Diáconus Ecclésiæ Marsicánæ, in confessióne fídei, cápite truncátus est. In the same persecution, a deacon of the church of Marsico who was beheaded for the confession of faith. In Africa sanctórum Mártyrum Petri et Aphrodísii, qui, in persecutióne Wandálica, martyrii corónam percepérunt. In Africa, the holy martyrs Peter and Aphrodisius, who received the crown of martyrdom in the Vandal persecution. Carrhis, in Mesopotámia, sancti Eutychii patrícii, et Sociórum, qui ab Evelid, Arabum Rege, ob fídei confessiónem, interémpti sunt. At Carrhae in Mesopotamia, the patrician St. Eutychius and his companions, who were killed by Evelid, king of Arabia, for the confession of the faith. Halberstátti, in Germánia, dormítio beátæ Mathíldis Regínæ, matris Othónis Primi, Romanórum Imperatóris, humilitáte et patiéntia conspícuæ. At Halberstadt in Germany, the death of blessed Queen Matilda, mother of Emperor Otto I, renowned for humility and patience.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

March XIV.
St. Maud, or Mathildis, Queen of Germany
SS. Acepsimas, Bishop; Joseph, Priest; and Aithilahas, Deacon, Martyrs
St. Boniface, Bishop of Ross, in Scotland, Confessor

ORCCE Ordo: Feria Sexta Quattuor temporum ~ Feria major

Nota Bene: 

Kim Jong-Un Orders Execution Of 33 People For Contact With Christian Missionary

Nigeria: Boko Haram—Over 500 Catholics killed and 20 churches and priests houses destroyed since 2009

It’s About to Get Real

Grieving California mom takes down cross on road after Atheist’s protest

Woman in Sweden Denied Work as Midwife for Refusing to Perform Abortions

Muslim Extremists Sabotaged Church Foundations In A Village Near Okara

Are Middle Eastern Christians Considered Collateral Damage?

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Open Season on Christians in Libya

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

U.S. Supreme High Court turns away homeschoolers’ request for asylum

Why Are Christians the World’s Most Persecuted Group?

Why Has Boko-Haram’s Attacks Continued Unchecked?

The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’s dhimmi pact for the Christians of Raqqa province

Sudan Arrests Pastor During Sermon, Threatens Him

Mainstream Media Mum on Atrocities Against Christians

Islamist Militia Group in Libya Suspected in Killing of Seven Coptic Christians

Religious Leaders In CAR Calling For Calm : “Churches and mosques must be rid of armed infiltrators”

WRITE TO ENCOURAGE Pastor Behnam Irani imprisoned in Iran

Filmmakers address plight of Middle East Christians

Iowa State removing Bibles from hotel guest rooms

Burma (Myanmar): Ethnic Cleansing of Christian Kachin

Syrian town of Saidnaya battles armed groups

Enquiry Of Increased Violence In CAR

Machine Gun Preacher Raided By FBI

Pakistan Christian Man Allegedly Tortured and Murdered By Police in Islamabad

Two murdered in Russian church shooting

Anti-Christian Violence Detailed in Hearing Calling for Filling of Religious Freedom Post

NIGERIA: Terrorists Brutally Attack Christians While Sparing Muslim Neighbors

Reports of Horrific Torture Of Children In Syria

Kenneth Bae returned to labor camp, sister pleads for his release #BringBackBae

Death In the Nuba Mountains

‘Proselytism’ Conviction of Convert from Islam in Morocco Overturned

Central African Republic: Soldiers Lynch Man Minutes After Presidential Address

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

Grenade Attack on Phillippine Church

How Syrian Christians Are In Danger

Syria’s Catholic Leader Opposes Plans to Bring Refugees to the West

American Detained By North Korea- Free Kenneth Bae

Update: Pastor and Son Killed in Central African Republic as Religious Leaders Try to Keep Peace

Chaos In The Central African Republic, Making Sense & Asking Questions

Nigeria: Battered By Islamic Terror Group – Kill 52, Set 300 Houses Ablaze

Forgive or Forget: Survivors of genocide in the Holocaust, Rwanda & Cambodia

Michigan Mom says School Told Son Not to Bring Bible to School

Syria: Christian Stabbed with Crucifix, Decapitated

Tértio Idus Mártii. Luna.


Tértio Idus Mártii.  Luna. The Thirteenth Day of March. The Night of the Moon.

Córdubæ in Hispánia, sanctórum Mártyrum Ruderíci Presbyteri, et Salomónis. At Cordova in Spain, the holy martyrs Roderick, priest, and Solomon. Nicomedíæ natális sanctórum Mártyrum Macedónii, Patríciæ uxóris, et Modéstæ fíliæ. At Nicomedia, the birthday of the holy martyrs Macedonius, Patricia, his wife, and his daughter Modesta. Nicǽæ, in Bithynia, sanctórum Mártyrum Theusétæ, ejúsque fílii Horris, Theodóræ, Nymphodóræ, Marci et Arábiæ; qui omnes pro Christo igni tráditi sunt. At Nicaea in Bithynia, the holy martyrs Theusetas and Horres, his son; Theodore, Nymphodora, Mark, and Arabia, who were all burned to death for Christ. Hermópoli, in Ægypto, sancti Sabíni Mártyris, qui multa passus, tandem, projéctus in flumen, martyrium consummávit. At Hermopolis in Egypt, the martyr St. Sabinus, who suffered many torments, and at last completed his martyrdom by being cast into a river. In Pérside sanctæ Christínæ, Vírginis et Mártyris. In Persia, St. Christina, virgin and martyr. Apud Camerínum sancti Ansovíni, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Camerino, St. Ansovinus, bishop and confessor. In Thebáide deposítio sanctæ Euphrásiæ Vírginis. In Thebais, the death of St. Euphrasia, virgin. Constantinópoli Translátio sancti Nicéphori, Epíscopi ejúsdem urbis et Confessóris; cujus corpus e Proconnéso, Propóntidis ínsula, ubi ipse quarto Nonas Júnii ob sanctárum Imáginum cultum exsul obíerat, Constantinópolim relátum est, atque a sancto illíus civitátis Epíscopo Methódio honorífice in templo sanctórum Apostolórum sepúltum, hac ipsa recurrénte die, in qua olim idem Nicéphorus in exsílium fúerat deportátus. At Constantinople, the transferral of the body of St. Nicephorus, bishop of that city, and confessor. The body was returned from the island of Propontis in the Proconnesus, where his death occurred on the 5th of June while in exile for his reverence of sacred images. He was buried with honour by Bishop Methodius in the Church of the Holy Apostles on this the anniversary day of his exile.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

March XIII.
St. Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople, Confessor
St. Euphrasia, Virgin
St. Theophanes, Abbot and Confessor
St. Kennocha, Virgin in Scotland
St. Gerald, Bishop
St. Mochoemoc, in Latin, Pulcherius, Abbot

ORCCE Ordo: Feria Quinta infra Hebdomadam I in Quadragesima ~ Feria major

Nota Bene: It’s About to Get Real

Grieving California mom takes down cross on road after Atheist’s protest

Woman in Sweden Denied Work as Midwife for Refusing to Perform Abortions

Muslim Extremists Sabotaged Church Foundations In A Village Near Okara

Are Middle Eastern Christians Considered Collateral Damage?

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Open Season on Christians in Libya

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

U.S. Supreme High Court turns away homeschoolers’ request for asylum

Why Are Christians the World’s Most Persecuted Group?

Why Has Boko-Haram’s Attacks Continued Unchecked?

The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’s dhimmi pact for the Christians of Raqqa province

Sudan Arrests Pastor During Sermon, Threatens Him

Mainstream Media Mum on Atrocities Against Christians

Islamist Militia Group in Libya Suspected in Killing of Seven Coptic Christians

Religious Leaders In CAR Calling For Calm : “Churches and mosques must be rid of armed infiltrators”

WRITE TO ENCOURAGE Pastor Behnam Irani imprisoned in Iran

Filmmakers address plight of Middle East Christians

Iowa State removing Bibles from hotel guest rooms

Burma (Myanmar): Ethnic Cleansing of Christian Kachin

Syrian town of Saidnaya battles armed groups

Enquiry Of Increased Violence In CAR

Machine Gun Preacher Raided By FBI

Pakistan Christian Man Allegedly Tortured and Murdered By Police in Islamabad

Two murdered in Russian church shooting

Anti-Christian Violence Detailed in Hearing Calling for Filling of Religious Freedom Post

NIGERIA: Terrorists Brutally Attack Christians While Sparing Muslim Neighbors

Reports of Horrific Torture Of Children In Syria

Kenneth Bae returned to labor camp, sister pleads for his release #BringBackBae

Death In the Nuba Mountains

‘Proselytism’ Conviction of Convert from Islam in Morocco Overturned

Central African Republic: Soldiers Lynch Man Minutes After Presidential Address

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

Grenade Attack on Phillippine Church

How Syrian Christians Are In Danger

Syria’s Catholic Leader Opposes Plans to Bring Refugees to the West

American Detained By North Korea- Free Kenneth Bae

Update: Pastor and Son Killed in Central African Republic as Religious Leaders Try to Keep Peace

Chaos In The Central African Republic, Making Sense & Asking Questions

Nigeria: Battered By Islamic Terror Group – Kill 52, Set 300 Houses Ablaze

Forgive or Forget: Survivors of genocide in the Holocaust, Rwanda & Cambodia

Michigan Mom says School Told Son Not to Bring Bible to School

Syria: Christian Stabbed with Crucifix, Decapitated

Quarto Idus Mártii. Luna.


Quarto Idus Mártii. Luna. The Twelfth Day of March. The Night of the Moon. 

Romæ sancti Gregórii Primi, Papæ, Confessóris et Ecclésiæ Doctóris exímii; qui, ob res præcláræ gestas atque Anglos ad Christi fidem convérsos, Magnus est dictus et Anglórum Apóstolus appellátus. At Rome, St. Gregory, pope and eminent doctor of the Church, who on account of his illustrious deeds and the conversion of the English to the faith of Christ, was surnamed the Great, and called the Apostle of England.

Ibídem deposítio sancti Innocéntii Primi, Papæ et Confessóris. Ipsíus autem festum quinto Kaléndas Augústi celebrátur. In the same place, the death of St. Innocent I, pope and confessor. His feast is celebrated on the 28th of July.

Item Romæ sancti Mamiliáni Mártyris. Also at Rome, St. Mamilian, martyr.
Nicomedíæ sanctórum Egdúni Presbyteri, et aliórum septem; qui sínguli diébus suffocáti sunt, ut céteris metus incuterétur. At Nicomedia, St. Egdunus, priest, and seven others, who, one by one, on successive days, were strangled in order to terrify those who remained.
Ibídem pássio sancti Petri Mártyris, qui, cum esset cubiculárius Diocletiáni Imperatóris, et libérius de imménsis Mártyrum supplíciis quererétur, proptérea, jubénte eódem, in médium addúcitur, ac primo suspénsus, diutíssime flagris torquétur, deínde acéto ac sale perfúsus, ad últimum in cratícula lento igne assátur, sicque vere Petri éxstitit et fídei heres et nóminis. In the same city, the passion of the martyr St. Peter, chamberlain to Emperor Diocletian. For openly complaining of the atrocious torments inflicted upon the martyrs, he was, by order of the emperor, first suspended and for a long time scourged, then had salt and vinegar poured on his wounds, and finally was burned on a grate over a slow fire. Thus did he become a true heir of St. Peter’s name and faith.

Constantinópoli sancti Theóphanis, qui, ex ditíssimo pauper Mónachus efféctus, ab ímpio Leóne Arméno, pro cultu sacrárum Imáginum, biénnio deténtus est in cárcere, et inde in Samothráciam deportátus, ibídem, ærúmnis conféctus, réddidit spíritum, multísque miráculis cláruit. At Constantinople, St. Theophanes, who gave up great riches to embrace the poverty of the monastic state. The impious Leo the Armenian kept him in prison for two years because of his veneration of sacred images, and later sent him into Thrace in exile. There, overwhelmed with afflictions, but famous for miracles, death came upon him.
Cápuæ sancti Bernárdi, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Capua, St. Bernard, bishop and confessor.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

March XII.
St. Gregory the Great, Pope and Confessor
Annotation on the Life of St. Gregory
St. Maximilian, Martyr
St. Paul, Bishop of Leon, Confessor

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today. FOR NEWS OF CONTEMPORARY MARTYRS…

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Quinto Idus Mártii. Luna.


Quinto Idus Mártii.  Luna. The Eleventh Day of March. The Night of the Moon.

Sardis sancti Euthymii Epíscopi, qui, ob cultum sanctárum Imáginum, a Michaéle, Imperatóre Iconoclásta, in exsílium missus est; ac demum, Theóphilo imperánte, búbulis nervis, inhumániter cæsus, martyrium consummávit. At Sardis, St. Euthymius, bishop, who was sent into exile by the Iconoclast emperor Michael for the veneration of sacred images. Afterwards, in the reign of Theophilus, he was barbarously beaten with knotted clubs, which completed his martyrdom. Córdubæ, in Hispánia, sancti Eulógii, Presbyteri et Mártyris; qui, in persecutióne Saracenórum, ob præcláram et intrépidam Christi confessiónem, verbéribus et álapis cæsus ac decollátus gládio, adjúngi ejúsdem urbis Martyribus méruit, quorum pro fide certámina scribéndo fúerat æmulátus. At Cordova in Spain, St. Eulogius, priest, who deserved to be associated with the martyrs of that city because, in writing of their trials for the faith, he had envied their happiness. On account of his own fearless and intrepid confession of Christ, he was scourged and beaten with rods, and finally beheaded during the Saracen persecution. Carthágine sanctórum Mártyrum Heráclíi et Zósimi. At Carthage, the holy martyrs Heraclius and Zosimus. Alexandríæ pássio sanctórum Cándidi, Piperiónis et aliórum vigínti. At Alexandria, the passion of Saints Candidus, Piperion, and twenty others. Laodicéæ, in Syria, sanctórum Mártyrum Tróphimi et Thali, qui in persecutióne Diocletiáni, post multa sǽvaque torménta, corónas glóriæ sunt assecúti. At Laodicea in Syria, during the persecution of Diocletian, the holy martyrs Trophimus and Thalus, who obtained their crowns of glory after many severe torments. Antiochíæ commemorátio plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum, quorum álii, Maximiáni Imperatóris mandáto, candéntibus cratículis superpósiti, non ad mortem sed a diutúrnum cruciátum assáti, álii áliis sævíssimis affécti supplíciis, ad palmam martyrii pervenérunt. At Antioch, the Commemoration of many holy martyrs, some of whom by order of Emperor Maximian were laid on red hot gridirons, not to be burned to death, but to continue their suffering a longer time; others were subjected to different horrible torments, and won the palm of martyrdom. Item sanctórum Mártyrum Gorgónii et Firmi. Also, Saints Gorgonius and Firmus. Hierosólymis sancti Sophrónii Epíscopi. At Jerusalem, Bishop St. Sophronius. Medioláni sancti Benedícti Epíscopi. At Milan, St. Benedict, bishop. In fínibus Ambianénsium sancti Firmíni Abbátis. In the diocese of Amiens, St. Firmin, abbot. Carthágine sancti Constantíni Confessóris. At Carthage, St. Constantine, confessor. Babúci, in Hérnicis, sancti Petri Confessóris, miraculórum glória conspícui. At Babucum in Campania, St. Peter, confessor, who was renowned for his miracles.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

March XI.
St. Eulogius of Cordova, Priest and Martyr
St. Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Confessor
St. Ængus, Bishop and Confessor
St. Constantine, Martyr

ORCCE Ordo: Feria Secunda infra Hebdomadam I in Quadragesima ~ Feria major

Nota Bene: 

It’s About to Get Real

Grieving California mom takes down cross on road after Atheist’s protest

Woman in Sweden Denied Work as Midwife for Refusing to Perform Abortions

Muslim Extremists Sabotaged Church Foundations In A Village Near Okara

Are Middle Eastern Christians Considered Collateral Damage?

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Open Season on Christians in Libya

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

U.S. Supreme High Court turns away homeschoolers’ request for asylum

Why Are Christians the World’s Most Persecuted Group?

Why Has Boko-Haram’s Attacks Continued Unchecked?

The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’s dhimmi pact for the Christians of Raqqa province

Sudan Arrests Pastor During Sermon, Threatens Him

Mainstream Media Mum on Atrocities Against Christians

Islamist Militia Group in Libya Suspected in Killing of Seven Coptic Christians

Religious Leaders In CAR Calling For Calm : “Churches and mosques must be rid of armed infiltrators”

WRITE TO ENCOURAGE Pastor Behnam Irani imprisoned in Iran

Filmmakers address plight of Middle East Christians

Iowa State removing Bibles from hotel guest rooms

Burma (Myanmar): Ethnic Cleansing of Christian Kachin

Syrian town of Saidnaya battles armed groups

Enquiry Of Increased Violence In CAR

Machine Gun Preacher Raided By FBI

Pakistan Christian Man Allegedly Tortured and Murdered By Police in Islamabad

Two murdered in Russian church shooting

Anti-Christian Violence Detailed in Hearing Calling for Filling of Religious Freedom Post

NIGERIA: Terrorists Brutally Attack Christians While Sparing Muslim Neighbors

Reports of Horrific Torture Of Children In Syria

Kenneth Bae returned to labor camp, sister pleads for his release #BringBackBae

Death In the Nuba Mountains

‘Proselytism’ Conviction of Convert from Islam in Morocco Overturned

Central African Republic: Soldiers Lynch Man Minutes After Presidential Address

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

Grenade Attack on Phillippine Church

How Syrian Christians Are In Danger

Syria’s Catholic Leader Opposes Plans to Bring Refugees to the West

American Detained By North Korea- Free Kenneth Bae

Update: Pastor and Son Killed in Central African Republic as Religious Leaders Try to Keep Peace

Chaos In The Central African Republic, Making Sense & Asking Questions

Nigeria: Battered By Islamic Terror Group – Kill 52, Set 300 Houses Ablaze

Forgive or Forget: Survivors of genocide in the Holocaust, Rwanda & Cambodia

Michigan Mom says School Told Son Not to Bring Bible to School

Syria: Christian Stabbed with Crucifix, Decapitated

Sexto Idus Mártii. Luna.


Sexto Idus Mártii.  Luna. The Tenth Day of March. The Night of the Moon.

Sanctórum Quadragínta Mártyrum, quorum natális prídie hujus diéi recensétur. The forty holy martyrs whose birthday was commemorated yesterday.
Apaméæ, in Phrygia, natális sanctórum Mártyrum Caji et Alexándri, qui (ut scribit Apollináris, Hierapolitánus Epíscopus, in libro advérsus Cataphrygas hæréticos), in persecutióne Marci Antoníni et Lúcii Veri, glorióso martyrio coronáti sunt. At Apamea in Phrygia, during the persecution of Marcus Antoninus and Lucius Verus, the birthday of the holy martyrs Caius and Alexander. They were crowned with a glorious martyrdom, as is related by Apollinaris, bishop of Hierapolis, in his book against the Cataphrygian heretics. In Pérside pássio sanctórum quadragínta duórum Mártyrum. In Persia, the passion of forty-two holy martyrs. Corínthi sanctórum Mártyrum Codráti, Dionysii, Cypriáni, Anécti, Pauli et Crescéntis, qui, in persecutióne Décii et Valeriáni, sub Jásone Prǽside, gládio cæsi sunt. At Corinth, the holy martyrs Codratus, Denis, Cyprian, Anectus, Paul, and Crescens, who were slain with the sword in the persecution of Decius and Valerian, under Jason, the governor. In Africa sancti Victóris Mártyris, in cujus solemnitáte sanctus Augustínus ad pópulum de ipso tractátum hábuit. In Africa, St. Victor, martyr, on whose feast day St. Augustine delivered a sermon to his people. Romæ sancti Simplícii, Papæ et Confessóris. At Rome, St. Simplicius, pope and confessor. Hierosólymis sancti Macárii, Epíscopi et Confessóris; cujus hortátu loca sancta a Constantíno Magno et beáta Hélena, ejus matre, expurgáta sunt et sacris Basílicis illustráta. At Jerusalem, St. Macarius, bishop and confessor, at whose exhortation the holy places were purged by Constantine the Great and St. Helen, his mother, and beautified by sacred basilicas. Lutétiæ Parisiórum deposítio sancti Droctovéi Abbátis, qui fuit discípulus beáti Germáni Epíscopi. At Paris, the death of Abbot St. Droctoveus, who was a disciple of the saintly Bishop Germanus. In monastério Bobiénsi sancti Attalæ Abbátis, miráculis clari. In the monastery of Bobbio, St. Attala, abbot, renowned for his miracles.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

March X.
SS. The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste
St. Droctovæus, Abbot
St. Mackessoge, or Kessoge, Confessor

ORCCE Ordo: Feria Secunda infra Hebdomadam I in Quadragesima ~ Feria major

Nota Bene: Woman in Sweden Denied Work as Midwife for Refusing to Perform Abortions

Muslim Extremists Sabotaged Church Foundations In A Village Near Okara

Are Middle Eastern Christians Considered Collateral Damage?

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Open Season on Christians in Libya

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

U.S. Supreme High Court turns away homeschoolers’ request for asylum

Why Are Christians the World’s Most Persecuted Group?

Why Has Boko-Haram’s Attacks Continued Unchecked?

The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’s dhimmi pact for the Christians of Raqqa province

Sudan Arrests Pastor During Sermon, Threatens Him

Mainstream Media Mum on Atrocities Against Christians

Islamist Militia Group in Libya Suspected in Killing of Seven Coptic Christians

Religious Leaders In CAR Calling For Calm : “Churches and mosques must be rid of armed infiltrators”

WRITE TO ENCOURAGE Pastor Behnam Irani imprisoned in Iran

Filmmakers address plight of Middle East Christians

Iowa State removing Bibles from hotel guest rooms

Burma (Myanmar): Ethnic Cleansing of Christian Kachin

Syrian town of Saidnaya battles armed groups

Enquiry Of Increased Violence In CAR

Machine Gun Preacher Raided By FBI

Pakistan Christian Man Allegedly Tortured and Murdered By Police in Islamabad

Two murdered in Russian church shooting

Anti-Christian Violence Detailed in Hearing Calling for Filling of Religious Freedom Post

NIGERIA: Terrorists Brutally Attack Christians While Sparing Muslim Neighbors

Reports of Horrific Torture Of Children In Syria

Kenneth Bae returned to labor camp, sister pleads for his release #BringBackBae

Death In the Nuba Mountains

‘Proselytism’ Conviction of Convert from Islam in Morocco Overturned

Central African Republic: Soldiers Lynch Man Minutes After Presidential Address

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

Grenade Attack on Phillippine Church

How Syrian Christians Are In Danger

Syria’s Catholic Leader Opposes Plans to Bring Refugees to the West

American Detained By North Korea- Free Kenneth Bae

Update: Pastor and Son Killed in Central African Republic as Religious Leaders Try to Keep Peace

Chaos In The Central African Republic, Making Sense & Asking Questions

Nigeria: Battered By Islamic Terror Group – Kill 52, Set 300 Houses Ablaze

Forgive or Forget: Survivors of genocide in the Holocaust, Rwanda & Cambodia

Michigan Mom says School Told Son Not to Bring Bible to School

Syria: Christian Stabbed with Crucifix, Decapitated

Séptimo Idus Mártii. Luna.


Séptimo Idus Mártii.  Luna. The Ninth Day of March.  The Night of the Moon.

Romæ sanctæ Francíscæ Víduæ, nobilitáte géneris, vitæ sanctitáte et miraculórum dono célebris. At Rome, St. Frances, widow, renowned for her noble family, holy life, and the gift of miracles. Apud Sebásten, in Arménia, natális sanctórum Quadragínta mílitum Cappadócum, qui, témpore Licínii Imperatóris, sub Præside Agricoláo, post víncula et cárceres tetérrimos, post cæsas lapídibus fácies, nudi sub dio, frigidíssimo híemis témpore, supra stagnum rigens pernoctáre jussi sunt, ubi gelu constrícta eórum córpora disrumpebántur, ac demum crurifrágio martyrium consummárunt. Erant autem inter eos nobilióres Cyrion et Cándidus; eorúmque ómnium præcláras glórias sanctus Basilíus aliíque Patres scriptis suis celebrárunt. Ipsórum porro Mártyrum festívitas sequénti die recólitur. At Sebaste in Armenia, under the governor Agricolaus, in the time of Emperor Licinius, the birthday of forty holy soldiers of Cappadocia. After being chained down in foul dungeons, after having their faces bruised with stones, and being condemned to spend the night naked, in the open during the coldest part of winter, on a frozen lake where their bodies were benumbed and covered with ice, they completed their martyrdom by having their limbs crushed. The most noteworthy among them were Cyrion and Candidus. Their glorious triumph has been celebrated by St. Basil and other Fathers in their writings. Their feast is kept on the following day. Nyssæ deposítio sancti Gregórii Epíscopi, qui sanctórum Basilíi et Emméliæ fílius, et sanctórum item Basilíi Magni ac Petri Sebasténsis Episcopórum et Macrínæ Vírginis frater éxstitit; atque, vita et eruditióne claríssimus, ob fídei cathólicæ defensiónem, sub Ariáno Imperatóre Valénte, civitáte sua pulsus est. At Nyssa, the death of St. Gregory, the son of Saints Basil and Emmelia, and the brother of Saints Basil the Great, bishop, and Peter, bishop of Sebaste, and Macrina, virgin. His life and his great learning brought him fame. He was driven from his own city for having defended the Catholic faith during the reign of the Arian emperor Valens. Barcinóne, in Hispánia, sancti Paciáni Epíscopi, tam vita quam sermóne conspícui; qui, témpore Theodósii Príncipis, in última senectúte finem vitæ sortítus est. At Barcelona in Spain, Bishop St. Pacian, distinguished by his life and preaching. He ended his career in extreme old age, in the time of Emperor Theodosius. Bonóniæ sanctæ Catharínæ Vírginis, e secúndo Ordine sancti Francísci, quæ vitæ sanctitáte fuit illústris. Ipsíus autem corpus magno cum honóre ibídem cólitur. At Bologna, St. Catherine, virgin, of the Second Order of St. Francis, illustrious for the holiness of her life. Her body is greatly honoured in that city.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

March IX.
St. Frances, Widow, Foundress of the Collatines
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Bishop and Confessor
Appendix on the Writings of St. Gregory of Nyssa
St. Pacian, Bishop of Barcelona, Confessor
Appendix on the Writings of St. Pacian of Barcelona
St. Catherine, of Bologna, Virgin and Abbess of the Poor Clares in That City

ORCCE Ordo: Dominica I in Quadragesima ~ Semiduplex 1st class: Commemoratio: Ss. Quadraginta Martyrum

Nota Bene: Woman in Sweden Denied Work as Midwife for Refusing to Perform Abortions

Muslim Extremists Sabotaged Church Foundations In A Village Near Okara

Are Middle Eastern Christians Considered Collateral Damage?

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Open Season on Christians in Libya

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

U.S. Supreme High Court turns away homeschoolers’ request for asylum

Why Are Christians the World’s Most Persecuted Group?

Why Has Boko-Haram’s Attacks Continued Unchecked?

The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’s dhimmi pact for the Christians of Raqqa province

Sudan Arrests Pastor During Sermon, Threatens Him

Mainstream Media Mum on Atrocities Against Christians

Islamist Militia Group in Libya Suspected in Killing of Seven Coptic Christians

Religious Leaders In CAR Calling For Calm : “Churches and mosques must be rid of armed infiltrators”

WRITE TO ENCOURAGE Pastor Behnam Irani imprisoned in Iran

Filmmakers address plight of Middle East Christians

Iowa State removing Bibles from hotel guest rooms

Burma (Myanmar): Ethnic Cleansing of Christian Kachin

Syrian town of Saidnaya battles armed groups

Enquiry Of Increased Violence In CAR

Machine Gun Preacher Raided By FBI

Pakistan Christian Man Allegedly Tortured and Murdered By Police in Islamabad

Two murdered in Russian church shooting

Anti-Christian Violence Detailed in Hearing Calling for Filling of Religious Freedom Post

NIGERIA: Terrorists Brutally Attack Christians While Sparing Muslim Neighbors

Reports of Horrific Torture Of Children In Syria

Kenneth Bae returned to labor camp, sister pleads for his release #BringBackBae

Death In the Nuba Mountains

‘Proselytism’ Conviction of Convert from Islam in Morocco Overturned

Central African Republic: Soldiers Lynch Man Minutes After Presidential Address

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

Grenade Attack on Phillippine Church

How Syrian Christians Are In Danger

Syria’s Catholic Leader Opposes Plans to Bring Refugees to the West

American Detained By North Korea- Free Kenneth Bae

Update: Pastor and Son Killed in Central African Republic as Religious Leaders Try to Keep Peace

Chaos In The Central African Republic, Making Sense & Asking Questions

Nigeria: Battered By Islamic Terror Group – Kill 52, Set 300 Houses Ablaze

Forgive or Forget: Survivors of genocide in the Holocaust, Rwanda & Cambodia

Michigan Mom says School Told Son Not to Bring Bible to School

Syria: Christian Stabbed with Crucifix, Decapitated

Quinto Kaléndas Aprílis. Luna.


Quinto Kaléndas Aprílis. Luna. The Twenty-Eighth Day of March.  The Night of the Moon.

Sancti Joánnis de Capistráno, Sacerdótis ex Ordine Minórum et Confessóris, cujus memória recólitur décimo Kaléndas Novémbris. St. John Capistrano, confessor, a priest of the Order of Friars Minor, who is mentioned on the 23rd of October. Cæsaréæ, in Palæstína, natális sanctórum Mártyrum Prisci, Malchi et Alexándri. Hi tres, in persecutióne Valeriáni, cum in suburbáno agéllo supradíctæ urbis habitárent, atque in ea cæléstes martyrii proponeréntur corónæ, ultro Júdicem, divíno fídei calóre succénsi, ádeunt, et cur tantum in sánguinem piórum desævíret, objúrgant; quos ille contínuo, pro Christi nómine, béstiis trádidit devorándos. At Caesarea in Palestine, the birthday of the holy martyrs Priscus, Malchus, and Alexander. In the persecution of Valerian, they were living the suburbs of Caesarea, but knowing that in the city the heavenly crown of martyrdom was to be gained, and burning with the divine ardour of faith, they went to the judge of their own accord, rebuked him for shedding in torrents the blood of the faithful, and were immediately condemned to be devoured by beasts for the Name of Christ. Tarsi, in Cilícia, sanctórum Mártyrum Cástoris et Doróthei. At Tarsus in Cilicia, the holy martyrs Castor and Dorotheus. In Africa sanctórum Mártyrum Rogáti, Succéssi et aliórum séxdecim. In Africa, the holy martyrs Rogatus, Successus, and sixteen others. Apud Núrsiam sancti Spei Abbátis, miræ patiéntiæ viri, cujus ánima (ut refert sanctus Gregórius Papa), cum ex hac vita migráret, in colúmbæ spécie a cunctis frátribus visa est in cælum ascéndere. At Norcia, Abbot St. Spes, a man of extraordinary patience, whose soul at its departure from this life (as Pope St. Gregory relates) was seen by all his brethren to ascend to heaven in the shape of a dove. Cabillóne, in Gálliis, deposítio sancti Gunthrámni, Regis Francórum, qui spiritálibus actiónibus ita se mancipávit, ut, relíctis, sæculi pompis, thesáuros suos lárgiter Ecclésiis et paupéribus erogáret. At Chalons in France, the death of St. Guntram, king of the Franks, who devoted himself to exercises of piety, despising the ostentation of the world, and who bestowed his treasures on the Church and the poor.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

SS. Priscus, Malchus, and Alexander, Martyrs
St. Sixtus III., Pope
St. Gontran, King and Confessor

ORCCE Ordo: Feria Sexta infra Hebdomadam III in Quadragesima ~ Feria major

President Obama and Pope Francis on Mideast Christians

Police in India Rebuke, File Case against Christians Fleeing Hindu Extremist Attack

Imprisoned Pastor Saeed Abedini’s wife asks for prayer

“Anyone who is Non Muslim in Syria is an infidel and should be killed.”

Two Thousand Kessab Armenians Find Safety in Latakia

Western Ignorance of the ‘Conditions of Omar’

Who woke up the Jihadists in Syria? Why Islamization failed?

Cardinal Burke: Obama’s policies are ‘progressively more hostile toward Christian civilization’

Sudan Bible College Bombed

Why the Media Doesn’t Cover Jihadist Attacks on Middle East Christians

Peaceful Angels – The story of Syrian Christians who suffer the ultimate price

UN report blasts Iran for persecution of Christians, other religious minorities

Christian Converts in Laos Told to Leave Faith or Face Expulsion

Concerned for your freedom of speech?

Why Does The World Turn It’s Back On The Persecution Of Children?

Press Statement by MCA Youth Legal Bureau on the conviction of the Indonesian Christian reflexologist in Penang

Young Christian Girl Abducted And Forcibly Converted To Islam In Rahim Yar Khan

CAR Update: Still Unclear Warlords? Rebels? & Who Is Igniting The Flames?

Actor Chris O’Dowd Equates Religion With Racism

Kenneth Bae’s 500th Day: Life’s Cycle of Fear, Pain, and Suffering

More than 100 Christians Slain as Herdsmen Burn Homes, Chuch Buildings in Nigeria

Air Force Academy Removes Bible Verse From Cadet’s Whiteboard

Islamic Extremists in Somalia Behead Two Christians

Asia Bibi’s Trial Begins

Attacks on Memorial Crosses Multiply

Kim Jong-Un Orders Execution Of 33 People For Contact With Christian Missionary

Nigeria: Boko Haram—Over 500 Catholics killed and 20 churches and priests houses destroyed since 2009

It’s About to Get Real

Grieving California mom takes down cross on road after Atheist’s protest

Woman in Sweden Denied Work as Midwife for Refusing to Perform Abortions

Muslim Extremists Sabotaged Church Foundations In A Village Near Okara

Are Middle Eastern Christians Considered Collateral Damage?

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Open Season on Christians in Libya

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

U.S. Supreme High Court turns away homeschoolers’ request for asylum

Why Are Christians the World’s Most Persecuted Group?

Why Has Boko-Haram’s Attacks Continued Unchecked?

The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’s dhimmi pact for the Christians of Raqqa province

Sudan Arrests Pastor During Sermon, Threatens Him

Mainstream Media Mum on Atrocities Against Christians

Islamist Militia Group in Libya Suspected in Killing of Seven Coptic Christians

Religious Leaders In CAR Calling For Calm : “Churches and mosques must be rid of armed infiltrators”

WRITE TO ENCOURAGE Pastor Behnam Irani imprisoned in Iran

Filmmakers address plight of Middle East Christians

Iowa State removing Bibles from hotel guest rooms

Burma (Myanmar): Ethnic Cleansing of Christian Kachin

Syrian town of Saidnaya battles armed groups

Enquiry Of Increased Violence In CAR

Machine Gun Preacher Raided By FBI

Pakistan Christian Man Allegedly Tortured and Murdered By Police in Islamabad

Two murdered in Russian church shooting

Anti-Christian Violence Detailed in Hearing Calling for Filling of Religious Freedom Post

NIGERIA: Terrorists Brutally Attack Christians While Sparing Muslim Neighbors

Reports of Horrific Torture Of Children In Syria

Kenneth Bae returned to labor camp, sister pleads for his release #BringBackBae

Death In the Nuba Mountains

‘Proselytism’ Conviction of Convert from Islam in Morocco Overturned

Central African Republic: Soldiers Lynch Man Minutes After Presidential Address

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

Grenade Attack on Phillippine Church

How Syrian Christians Are In Danger

Syria’s Catholic Leader Opposes Plans to Bring Refugees to the West

American Detained By North Korea- Free Kenneth Bae

Update: Pastor and Son Killed in Central African Republic as Religious Leaders Try to Keep Peace

Chaos In The Central African Republic, Making Sense & Asking Questions

Nigeria: Battered By Islamic Terror Group – Kill 52, Set 300 Houses Ablaze

Forgive or Forget: Survivors of genocide in the Holocaust, Rwanda & Cambodia

Michigan Mom says School Told Son Not to Bring Bible to School

Syria: Christian Stabbed with Crucifix, Decapitated