Undécimo Kaléndas Novémbris. Luna


Undécimo Kaléndas Novémbris.  Luna The Twenty-Second Day of October. The Night of the Moon.

Hierosólymis sanctæ Maríæ Salóme, matris sanctórum Jacóbi et Joánnis Apostolórum, quæ in Evangelio légitur circa Dómini sepultúram sollícita.
At Jerusalem, St. Mary Salome, the mother of the apostles James and John, who is referred to in the Gospel as having cared for the burial of our Lord.

Item Hierosólymis beáti Marci Epíscopi, claríssimi et doctíssimi viri, qui primus ex Géntibus Ecclésiam Hierosolymórum suscépit regéndam, ac, non multo post, sub Antoníno Imperatóre, martyrii méruit palmam.
At Jerusalem, blessed Bishop Mark, a noble and learned man, who was the first Gentile to govern the Church of Jerusalem.  His brief episcopate was rewarded by the palm of martyrdom under Emperor Antoninus.

Hadrianópoli, in Thrácia, natális sanctórum Mártyrum Philíppi Epíscopi, Sevéri Presbyteri, Eusébii et Hermétis; qui, sub Juliáno Apóstata, post cárceres et flagélla, incéndio cremáti sunt.
At Adrianople in Thrace, the birthday of the holy martyrs Philip, a bishop, Severus, a priest, Eusebius, and Hermes.  After being imprisoned and scourged, they were burned alive in the time of Julian the Apostate.
Item sanctórum Mártyrum Alexándri Epíscopi, Heraclíi mílitis, et Sociórum.
Also, the holy martyrs Alexander, a bishop, Heraclius, a soldier, and their companions.

Apud Firmum, in Picéno, natális sancti Philíppi, Epíscopi et Mártyris.
At Fermo in Piceno, the birthday of St. Philip, bishop and martyr.

Apud Colóniam Agrippínam sanctæ Córdulæ, quæ, cum esset una ex sodálibus sanctæ Ursulæ, atque aliárum supplíciis et cædibus pertérrita se occultásset, postrídie, ejus rei pænitens, se ultro patefécit Hunnis, et, novíssima ómnium, martyrii corónam accépit.
At Cologne, St. Cordula, who was one of the companions of St. Ursula.  Being terrified by the punishments and slaughter of the others, she hid herself, but repenting her deed, on the next day she declared herself to the Huns of her own accord, and thus was the last of them all to receive the crown of martyrdom.

Oscæ, in Hispánia, sanctárum Vírginum Nunilónis et Alódiæ sorórum, quæ, a Saracénis ob fídei confessiónem capitáli senténtia punítæ, martyrium consummárunt.
At Huesca in Spain, the holy virgins Nunilo and Alodia, sisters, who endured martyrdom by being condemned to capital punishment by the Saracens for the confession of the faith.

Hierápoli, in Phrygia, sancti Abércii Epíscopi, qui sub Marco Antoníno Imperatóre cláruit.
At Hieropolis in Phrygia, St. Abercius, bishop, who flourished under Emperor Marcus Antoninus.

Rotómagi sancti Melánii Epíscopi, qui, a sancto Stéphano Papa ordinátus, illuc ad prædicándum Evangélium missus est.
At Rouen, St. Melanius, bishop, who was ordained by Pope St. Stephen and sent there to preach the Gospel.

In Túscia sancti Donáti Scoti, Epíscopi Fæsuláni.
In Tuscany, St. Donatus of Scotland, bishop of Fiesole.

Verónæ sancti Verecúndi, Epíscopi et Confessóris.
At Verona, St. Verecundus, bishop and confessor.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

October XXII.
St. Philip, Bishop of Heraclea, and Companions, Martyrs
SS. Nunilo and Alodia, Virgins and Martyrs, in Spain
St. Donatus, Bishop of Fiesoli, in Tuscany, Confessor
St. Mello, or Melanius, Bishop of Rouen, Confessor
St. Mark, Bishop of Jerusalem, Confessor

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

Duodécimo Kaléndas Novémbris


Duodécimo Kaléndas Novémbris.  Luna. The Twenty-First Day of October. The Night of the Moon.

In Cypro natális sancti Hilariónis Abbátis, cujus vitam, virtútibus atque miráculis plenam, sanctus Hierónymus scripsit.
In Cyprus, the birthday of the holy abbot Hilarion.  His life, full of virtues and miracles, was written by St. Jerome.

Apud Colóniam Aggripínam item natális sanctárum Ursulæ et Sociárum ejus; quæ, pro Christiána religióne et virginitátis constántia ab Hunnis interféctæ, martyrio vitam consummárunt, earúmque plúrima córpora fuérunt Colóniæ cóndita.
At Cologne, the birthday of St. Ursula and her companions, who gained the martyr’s crown by being slain by the Huns for the Christian religion and their constancy in keeping their virginity.  Many of their bodies are buried in Cologne.

Apud Ostia Tiberína sancti Astérii, Presbyteri et Mártyris; qui (ut in passióne beáti Callísti Papæ légitur) sub Alexándro Imperatóre passus est.
At Ostia, St. Asterius, priest and martyr, who suffered under Emperor Alexander, as we read in the Acts of blessed Pope Callistus.

Nicomedíæ natális sanctórum Dásii, Zótici, Caji et aliórum duódecim mílitum; qui, post divérsa torménta, in mare demérsi sunt.
At Nicomedia, the birthday of Saints Dasius, Zoticus, Caius, and twelve other soldiers, who, after suffering various torments, were drowned in the sea.

Lugdúni, in Gállia, sancti Viatóris, qui éxstitit miníster beáti Justi, Lugdunénsis Epíscopi.
At Lyons in France, St. Viator, deacon of blessed Justus, bishop of that city.

Maróniæ, prope Antiochíam, in Syria, sancti Malchi Mónachi.
At Maronia, near Antioch in Syria, St. Malchus, a monk.

In castro Laudunénsi sanctæ Cilíniæ, matris beáti Remígii, Epíscopi Rheménsis.
At Laon, St. Celine, mother of blessed Remigius, bishop of Rheims.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

October XXI.
SS. Ursula, and Her Companions, Virgins and Martyrs
St. Hilarion, Abbot
St. Fintan, Surnamed Munnu, Abbot, in Ireland

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

Duodécimo Kaléndas Septémbris


Duodécimo Kaléndas Septémbris. Luna . The Twenty-First Day of August. The Night of the Moon. 

Sanctæ Joánnæ-Francíscæ Frémiot de Chantal, Víduæ, quæ Ordinis Sanctimoniálium Visitatiónis sanctæ Maríæ fuit Institútrix, cujus dies natális recólitur Idibus Decémbris. The festival of St. Jane Frances Fremiot de Chantal, foundress of the Order of Nuns of the Visitation of St. Mary, whose birthday is commemorated on the 13th of December.

Romæ, in agro Veráno, sanctæ Cyríacæ, Víduæ et Mártyris; quæ, in persecutióne Valeriáni, cum se súaque ómnia in Sanctórum ministéria impendísset, demum, martyrium pro Christo súbiens, vitam quoque ipsam libénter impéndit. At Rome, in the Agro Verano, St. Cyriaca, widow and martyr. In the persecution of Valerian, after devoting herself and all her goods in the service of the saints, she gave up her life by suffering martyrdom for Christ.

In território Gavalitáno sancti Priváti, Epíscopi et Mártyris; qui passus est in persecutióne Valeriáni et Galliéni. In Gevaudan, St. Privatus, bishop and martyr, who suffered in the persecution of Valerian and Gallienus.

Salónæ, in Dalmátia, sancti Anastásii Corniculárii, qui, cum vidéret beátum Agapítum constánter torménta perferéntem, convérsus est ad fidem, et, pro confessióne nóminis Christi, jubénte Aureliáno Imperatóre, interémptus, Martyr migrávit ad Dóminum. At Salona in Dalmatia, St. Anastasius, a law officer, who was converted to the faith by seeing the fortitude with which blessed Agapitus bore his torments, and being put to death by order of Emperor Aurelian for confessing the name of Christ, went to our Lord, a martyr.

In Sardínia natális sanctórum Mártyrum Luxórii, Cisélli et Cameríni; qui, in persecutióne Diocletiáni, sub Délphio Præside, gládio cæsi sunt. In Sardinia, the birthday of the holy martyrs Luxorius, Cisellus, and Camerinus, who were put to the sword in the persecution of Diocletian, under the governor Delphius.

Eódem die sanctórum Mártyrum Bonósi et Maximiáni. On the same day, the holy martyrs Bononus and Maximian.

Fundis, in Látio, sancti Patérni Mártyris, qui, ab Alexandría Romam venit ad Apostolórum memórias; et inde in agrum Fundánum secéssit, atque ibi, cum Mártyrum córpora sepelíret, a Tribúno comprehénsus est, et in vínculis exspirávit. At Fundi in Campania, St. Paternus, a martyr, who came from Alexandria to Rome to visit the tomb of the apostles. Thence he retired to the neighbourhood of Fundi, where, being seized by the tribune while he was burying the bodies of the martyrs, he died in captivity.

Edéssæ, in Syria, sanctórum Mártyrum Bassæ, ac trium ejus filiórum, id est Theogónii, Agápii et Fidélis; quos, in persecutióne Maximiáni, pia mater exhórtans, martyrio coronátos præmísit ad palmam, et, truncáto cápite, gaudens secúta est cum victória. At Edessa in Syria, during the persecution of Maximian, the holy martyrs Bassa, and her sons Theogonius, Agapius, and Fidelis, whom their pious mother exhorted to martyrdom and sent before her bearing their crowns. Being herself beheaded, she joyfully followed them and shared their victory.

Verónæ sancti Euprépii, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Verona, St. Euprepius, bishop and confessor.

Item sancti Quadráti Epíscopi. Also, St. Quadratus, bishop.

Arvérnis, in Gállia, sancti Sidónii Epíscopi, doctrína et sanctitáte conspícui. In Auvergne in France, St. Sidonius, bishop, noted for learning and holiness.

Senis, in Túscia, beáti Bernárdi Ptolomæi Abbátis, Congregatiónis Olivetánæ Fundatóris. At Siena in Tuscany, blessed Bernard Ptolemy, abbot and founder of the Congregation of Olivetans.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God

August XXI.
SS. Bonosus and Maximilian, Martyrs
St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Widow and Abbess
St. Richard, Bishop of Andria, Confessor
St. Bernard Ptolemy, Founder of the Olivetans

.Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places. Voice of the Persecuted– Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today. FOR NEWS OF CONTEMPORARY MARTYRS… Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic

Undécimo Kaléndas Júnii. Luna.


Undécimo Kaléndas Júnii. Luna . The Twenty-Second Day of May. The Night of the Moon.

Romæ sanctórum Mártyrum Faustíni, Timóthei et Venústi. At Rome, the holy martyrs Faustinus, Timothy, and Venustus.
In Africa sanctórum Mártyrum Casti et Æmílii, qui per passiónis ignem martyrium consummárunt.  Hos (ut beátus Cypriánus scribit), in prima congressióne devíctos, Dóminus victóres in secúndo prælio réddidit, ut fortióres ígnibus fíerent qui ígnibus ante cessíssent. In Africa, the holy martyrs Castus and Aemilius, who met their martyrdom by fire, St. Cyprian says that there were overcome by the first trial, but that in the second God made them victorious, so that those who had first weakened in the face of the fire were made mightier than the flames.
Cománæ, in Ponto, sancti Basilísci Mártyris, qui, sub Maximiáno Imperatóre et Agríppa Prǽside, férreas calceátus crépidas, ignítis clavis confíxas, múltaque ália passus, demum, cápite obtruncátus et in flumen projéctus, martyrii glóriam consecútus est. At Comana in Pontus, under Emperor Maximian and the governor Agrippa, the holy martyr Basiliscus, who was forced to wear iron shoes pierced with heated nails, and who endured many other trials.  He was finally beheaded and thrown into the river, which gained for him the crown of martyrdom.
In Córsica sanctæ Júliæ Vírginis, quæ crucis supplício coronáta est. In Corsica, St. Julia, virgin, who won her crown by being crucified.
In Hispánia sanctæ Quitériæ, Vírginis et Mártyris. In Spain, St. Quiteria, virgin and martyr.
Ravenna Cathedral
Ravénnæ sancti Marciáni, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Ravenna, St. Marcian, bishop and confessor.
Pistórii, in Túscia, beáti Atthónis Epíscopi, ex Ordine Vallis Umbrósæ. At Pistoia in Tuscany, the bishop, blessed Attho, of the Order of Vallombrosa.
In pago Antisiodorénsi beáti Románi Abbátis, qui sancto Benedícto ministrávit in specu; inde, in Gállias proféctus, ibi, ædificáto monastério relictísque multis sanctitátis alúmnis, quiévit in Dómino. In the diocese of Auxerre, Abbot St. Romanus, who ministered to St. Benedict in his cave.  Going later to France, he built a monastery there, and leaving many disciples and imitators of his sanctity, went to rest in the Lord.
Apud Aquínum sancti Fulci Confessóris. At Aquino, St. Fulk, confessor.
Antisiodóri sanctæ Hélenæ Vírginis. At Auxerre, St. Helen, virgin.
Cássiæ, in Umbria, sanctæ Ritæ Víduæ, Moniális ex Ordine Eremitárum sancti Augustíni; quæ, post sæculi núptias, ætérnum sponsum Christum únice diléxit. At Cascia in Umbria, St. Rita, a widow and nun of the Order of the Hermits of St. Augustine, who, after being disengaged from her earthly marriage, loved only her eternal spouse Christ.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


St. Yvo, Confessor
St. Basiliscus, Bishop of Comana in Pontius, Martyr
SS. Castus and Æmilius, Martyrs
St. Bobo, Confessor
St. Conall, Abbot in Ireland

Faith in Action – Testimony inspired by faith of the Abedini’s

“When I prayed” – Testimony inspired by faith of the Abedini’s

Bomb Blasts in Nigeria Kill at Least 118


Pastor Saeed Abedini: Beaten and Forcibly Removed From Hospital & Returned to Iranian Prison

Testimonies: Inspired by faith of Pastor Saeed and his family 

Write To Encourage The Peresecuted

Suicide Bombing Hits Christian Pocket of Kano, Nigeria

What Matthew 10:32-33 Looks Like in Person -Nigeria

Christians, Ahmadis and a TV station: new victims of the blasphemy law


Militants Kidnap More Girls In North Nigeria-Nearly 300 Girls Still Missing #BRINGBACKOURGIRLS

Boko Haram brags about abducting Nigerian girls #BringBackOurGirls

All Civilians Subject To Persecution-What Is Driving The Uncontrolled Violence In The CAR?

NIGERIA: Abducted School Girls Forced To Marry Radical Islamic Captors

Amazing Video Of Chinese Believers Getting 1st Bibles


Three Egyptian Cousins Go to Libya; None Comes Back Alive

A Minor Gang Raped in Pakistan

The Stench of Death, Abomination & Devastation Coming From The Middle East & Africa

Snapshots From Daily Life In Nigeria: Rape, Kidnapping, Torture & Precision Executions

The World In Labor But Aborted In Syria

Should We Pray for the Persecuted?

Today—take some time to Pray for Christians who are Persecuted. They are desperate for your prayers.

Christian Pastor Among 30 Prisoners Badly Beaten in Evin Prison Raid

British Pakistani Christian Association chairman attends Number 10 Easter reception

Nigerian Christians: ‘Our Blood Will Speak about Christ’

Christian Pastor Among 30 Prisoners Badly Beaten in Evin Prison Raid

British Pakistani Christian Association chairman attends Number 10 Easter reception

Nigerian Christians: ‘Our Blood Will Speak about Christ’

Governor Otter to Iran ‘Release Pastor Saeed’

Fulani herdsmen confess to membership of Boko Haram

Syrian Rebels: ‘Our Youngest Hostage’

European Effort to Control Unofficial Religious Groups, Homeschooling Disarmed

New Jersey school district sued over ‘under God’ in pledge

Good Friday killing of priest in Central African Republic

American Pastor Saeed Writes Easter Message as a Prisoner in the Darkness of Iran

Duodécimo Kaléndas Aprílis. Luna.


Duodécimo Kaléndas Aprílis.  Luna. The Twenty-First Day of March. The Night of the Moon.

In monte Cassíno natális sancti Benedícti Abbátis, qui in Occidénte fere collápsam Monachórum disciplínam restítuit ac mirífice propagávit; cujus vitam, virtútibus et miráculis gloriósam, beátus Gregórius Papa conscrípsit. At Monte Cassino, the birthday of the holy abbot St. Benedict, who restored and wonderfully extended the monastic discipline in the West, where it had almost been destroyed. His life, brilliant in virtues and miracles, was written by Pope St. Gregory. Cátanæ, in Sicília, sancti Birílli, qui, a beáto Petro ordinátus Epíscopus, ibídem, cum multos Gentílium convertísset ad fidem, in última senectúte quiévit in pace. At Catania, St. Birillus, who was consecrated bishop by St. Peter. After converting many gentiles to the faith, he died in extreme old age. Alexandríæ commemorátio sanctórum Mártyrum, qui, sub Constántio Imperatóre et Præfécto Philágrio, irruéntibus Ariánis et Gentílibus in Ecclésias, in die Parascéves cæsi sunt. At Alexandria, under Emperor Constantine and the governor Philagrius, the commemoration of the holy martyrs who were murdered by the Arians and the heathens, being attacked by them while they were in church on Good Friday. Eódem die sanctórum Mártyrum Philémonis et Domníni. On the same day, the holy martyrs Philemon and Domninus. Alexandríæ beáti Serapiónis, Anachorétæ et Epíscopi Thmúeos, magnárum virtútum viri; qui, Arianórum furóre in exsílium actus, Conféssor migrávit ad Dóminum. At Alexandria, blessed Serapion, anchoret and bishop of Thmuis, a man of great virtue, who was driven into exile by the enraged Arians, where he departed to heaven. In território Lugdunénsi sancti Lupicíni Abbátis, cujus vita ob sanctitátis et miraculórum glóriam fuit illústris. In the territory of Lyons, St. Lupicinus, abbot, whose life was brilliant with the glory of holiness and miracles. In loco Ranft, prope Sachseln, in Helvétia, sancti Nicolái de Flüe, patris famílias, dein Anachorétæ, arctíssima pæniténtia et mundi contémptu insígnis, ab Helvétiis pater pátriæ appelláti, quem Pius Papa Duodécimus Sanctórum fastis adscrípsit. In the village of Ranft, near Sachseln in Switzerland, St. Nicholas of Flue, a family man who became an anchoret, famed for his most ardent penitence and contempt for the world, and known by the Swiss as the father of the fatherland. He was numbered among the saints by Pope Pius XII.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

March XXI.
St. Benedict, Abbot
St. Serapion, the Sindonite
St. Serapion, Abbot of Arsinoe
St. Serapion, Bishop of Thmuis, in Egypt, Confessor
St. Enna, or Endeus, Abbot

ORCCE Ordo: S. Benedicti Abbatis ~ Duplex majus: Commemoratio: Feria Sexta infra Hebdomadam II in Quadragesima

Nota Bene: 

Concerned for your freedom of speech?

Why Does The World Turn It’s Back On The Persecution Of Children?

Press Statement by MCA Youth Legal Bureau on the conviction of the Indonesian Christian reflexologist in Penang

Young Christian Girl Abducted And Forcibly Converted To Islam In Rahim Yar Khan

CAR Update: Still Unclear Warlords? Rebels? & Who Is Igniting The Flames?

Actor Chris O’Dowd Equates Religion With Racism

Kenneth Bae’s 500th Day: Life’s Cycle of Fear, Pain, and Suffering

More than 100 Christians Slain as Herdsmen Burn Homes, Chuch Buildings in Nigeria

Air Force Academy Removes Bible Verse From Cadet’s Whiteboard

Islamic Extremists in Somalia Behead Two Christians

Asia Bibi’s Trial Begins

Attacks on Memorial Crosses Multiply

Kim Jong-Un Orders Execution Of 33 People For Contact With Christian Missionary

Nigeria: Boko Haram—Over 500 Catholics killed and 20 churches and priests houses destroyed since 2009

It’s About to Get Real

Grieving California mom takes down cross on road after Atheist’s protest

Woman in Sweden Denied Work as Midwife for Refusing to Perform Abortions

Muslim Extremists Sabotaged Church Foundations In A Village Near Okara

Are Middle Eastern Christians Considered Collateral Damage?

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Open Season on Christians in Libya

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

U.S. Supreme High Court turns away homeschoolers’ request for asylum

Why Are Christians the World’s Most Persecuted Group?

Why Has Boko-Haram’s Attacks Continued Unchecked?

The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’s dhimmi pact for the Christians of Raqqa province

Sudan Arrests Pastor During Sermon, Threatens Him

Mainstream Media Mum on Atrocities Against Christians

Islamist Militia Group in Libya Suspected in Killing of Seven Coptic Christians

Religious Leaders In CAR Calling For Calm : “Churches and mosques must be rid of armed infiltrators”

WRITE TO ENCOURAGE Pastor Behnam Irani imprisoned in Iran

Filmmakers address plight of Middle East Christians

Iowa State removing Bibles from hotel guest rooms

Burma (Myanmar): Ethnic Cleansing of Christian Kachin

Syrian town of Saidnaya battles armed groups

Enquiry Of Increased Violence In CAR

Machine Gun Preacher Raided By FBI

Pakistan Christian Man Allegedly Tortured and Murdered By Police in Islamabad

Two murdered in Russian church shooting

Anti-Christian Violence Detailed in Hearing Calling for Filling of Religious Freedom Post

NIGERIA: Terrorists Brutally Attack Christians While Sparing Muslim Neighbors

Reports of Horrific Torture Of Children In Syria

Kenneth Bae returned to labor camp, sister pleads for his release #BringBackBae

Death In the Nuba Mountains

‘Proselytism’ Conviction of Convert from Islam in Morocco Overturned

Central African Republic: Soldiers Lynch Man Minutes After Presidential Address

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

Grenade Attack on Phillippine Church

How Syrian Christians Are In Danger

Syria’s Catholic Leader Opposes Plans to Bring Refugees to the West

American Detained By North Korea- Free Kenneth Bae

Update: Pastor and Son Killed in Central African Republic as Religious Leaders Try to Keep Peace

Chaos In The Central African Republic, Making Sense & Asking Questions

Nigeria: Battered By Islamic Terror Group – Kill 52, Set 300 Houses Ablaze

Forgive or Forget: Survivors of genocide in the Holocaust, Rwanda & Cambodia

Michigan Mom says School Told Son Not to Bring Bible to School

Syria: Christian Stabbed with Crucifix, Decapitated

Nono Kaléndas Mártii. Luna.


Nono Kaléndas Mártii.  Luna. The Twenty-First Day of February. The Night of the Moon.

Scythópoli, in Palæstína, sancti Severiáni, Epíscopi et Mártyris, qui, Eutychiánis acérrime se oppónens, gládio perémptus est. At Scythopolis in Palestine, St. Severian, bishop and martyr, who was beheaded by the Eutychians because he opposed them so zealously. In Sicília natális sanctórum Mártyrum septuagínta novem, qui sub Diocletiáno, per divérsa torménta, confessiónis suæ corónam percípere meruérunt. In Sicily, in the reign of Diocletian, the birthday of seventy-nine holy martyrs, who, by reason of various tortures for their confession of faith, deserved to receive an immortal crown. Adruméti, in Africa, sanctórum Mártyrum Véruli, Secundíni, Sirícii, Felícis, Sérvuli, Saturníni, Fortunáti et aliórum séxdecim, qui in persecutióne Wandálica, ob cathólicæ fídei confessiónem, martyrio coronáti sunt. At Adrumetum in Africa, during the persecution of the Vandals, the holy martyrs, Verulus, Secundinus, Siricius, Felix, Servulus, Saturninus, Fortunatus, and sixteen others, who were crowned with martyrdom for professing the Catholic faith. Damásci sancti Petri Maviméni, qui, cum díceret Arábibus quibúsdam, ad se ægrótum veniéntibus: « Omnis qui fidem Christiánam cathólicam non ampléctitur, damnátus est, sicut et Máhumet, pseudoprophéta vester », ab illis est necatus. At Damascus, St. Peter Mavimenus, who was killed by some Arabs who visited him in his sickness, because he said to them: “Whoever does not embrace the Christian and Catholic faith is lost, like your false prophet Mohammed.” Metis, in Gállia, sancti Felícis Epíscopi. At Metz in France, St. Felix, bishop. Bríxiæ sancti Patérii Epíscopi. At Brescia, St. Paterius, bishop.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

February XXI.
St. Severianus, Bishop of Scythopolis, Martyr
SS. German, Abbot of Granfel, and Randaut, Martyrs
SS. Daniel, Priest, and Verda, Virgin, Martyrs
B. Pepin of Landen

ORCCE Ordo: Feria VI infra Hebdomadam Septuagesimae ~ IV. classis

Nota Bene:  Burma (Myanmar): Ethnic Cleansing of Christian Kachin

Syrian town of Saidnaya battles armed groups

Enquiry Of Increased Violence In CAR

Machine Gun Preacher Raided By FBI

Pakistan Christian Man Allegedly Tortured and Murdered By Police in Islamabad

Two murdered in Russian church shooting

Anti-Christian Violence Detailed in Hearing Calling for Filling of Religious Freedom Post

NIGERIA: Terrorists Brutally Attack Christians While Sparing Muslim Neighbors

Reports of Horrific Torture Of Children In Syria

Kenneth Bae returned to labor camp, sister pleads for his release #BringBackBae

Death In the Nuba Mountains

‘Proselytism’ Conviction of Convert from Islam in Morocco Overturned

Central African Republic: Soldiers Lynch Man Minutes After Presidential Address

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

Grenade Attack on Phillippine Church

How Syrian Christians Are In Danger

Syria’s Catholic Leader Opposes Plans to Bring Refugees to the West

American Detained By North Korea- Free Kenneth Bae

Update: Pastor and Son Killed in Central African Republic as Religious Leaders Try to Keep Peace

Chaos In The Central African Republic, Making Sense & Asking Questions

Nigeria: Battered By Islamic Terror Group – Kill 52, Set 300 Houses Ablaze

Forgive or Forget: Survivors of genocide in the Holocaust, Rwanda & Cambodia

Michigan Mom says School Told Son Not to Bring Bible to School

Syria: Christian Stabbed with Crucifix, Decapitated

Duodécimo Kaléndas Februárii. Luna


Duodécimo Kaléndas Februárii. Luna. The Twenty-First Day of January. The Night of the Moon. 

Romæ pássio sanctæ Agnétis, Vírginis et Mártyris; quæ, sub Præfécto Urbis Symphrónio, ígnibus injécta, sed iis per oratiónem ejus exstínctis, gládio percússa est.  De ea beátus Hierónymus hæc scribit: « Omnium géntium lítteris atque linguis, præcípue in Ecclésiis, Agnétis vita laudáta est; quæ et ætátem vicit et tyránnum, et títulum castitátis martyrio consecrávit ».
At Rome, the passion of St. Agnes, virgin, who under Symphronius, governor of the city, was thrown into the fire, but after it was extinguished by her prayers, she was slain with the sword.  Of her, St. Jerome writes: “Agnes is praised in the writings and by the tongues of all nations, especially in the churches.  She overcame the weakness of her age, conquered the cruelty of the tyrant, and consecrated her chastity by martyrdom.”
Athénis natális sancti Públii Epíscopi, qui Atheniénsium Ecclésiam, post sanctum Dionysium Areopagítam, nobíliter rexit; et, præclárus virtútibus ac doctrínæ laude præfúlgens, ob Christi martyrium glorióse coronátur.
At Athens, the birthday of St. Publius, bishop, who, as successor of St. Denis the Areopagite, nobly governed the Church of Athens.  No less celebrated for the lustre of his virtues than for the brilliancy of his learning, he was gloriously crowned for having borne testimony to Christ.

Tarracóne, in Hispánia, sanctórum Mártyrum Fructuósi Epíscopi, Augúrii et Eulógii Diaconórum.  Hi, témpore Galliéni, primo in cárcerem trusi, deínde flammis injécti, et, exústis vínculis, mánibus in modum crucis expánsis orántes, martyrium complevérunt;  in quorum die natáli sanctus Augustínus sermónem ad pópulum hábuit.
At Terragona in Spain, during the reign of Gallienus, the holy martyrs Fructuosus, a bishop, Augurius and Eulogius, deacons.  They were taken from prison, cast into the fire, where, their bonds being burnt, they extended their arms in the form of a cross, and thus in prayer they died.  On their anniversary, St. Augustine preached a sermon to his people.

In monastério Einsidlénsi, apud Helvétios, sancti Meinrádi, Presbyteri et Mónachi; qui eódem in loco, ubi póstea monastérium ipsum excrévit, eremíticæ inténtus vitæ, a latrónibus interféctus est.  Ipsíus vero beáti viri corpus, olim in Augiénsi Germániæ monastério sepúltum, ad Einsidlénse monastérium deínde relátum fuit.
In the monastery of Einsiedeln in Switzerland, St. Meinrad, priest and monk, who was slain by robbers after having lived as a hermit in this place where the monastery was later built.  The body of this holy man was first buried in the monastery of Reichenau in Germany, and from there it was transferred to the monastery of Einsiedeln.

Trecis, in Gállia, sancti Pátrocli Mártyris, qui martyrii corónam sub Aureliáno Imperatóre proméruit.
At Troyes in France, St. Patroclus, martyr, who won the crown of martyrdom under Emperor Aurelian.

Papíæ sancti Epiphánii, Epíscopi et Confessóris.
At Pavia, St. Epiphanius, bishop and confessor.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

January XXI.
St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
St. Fructuosus, Bishop of Tarragon, and his Companions, Martyrs
St. Vimin, or Vivian, Bishop and Confessor, in Scotland
St. Publius, Bishop and Martyr
St. Epiphanius, Bishop of Pavia


Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

O Oriens


The fifth great “O” is: O Oriens, splendor lucis aeternae, et sol iustitiae: veni, et illumina sedentes in tenebris et umbra mortis.

English: O dawn of the east, brightness of light eternal, and sun of justice: come, and enlighten those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.

It reflects the following prophecies and Scripture:

O dawn of the east, brightness of light eternal, and sun of justice:

  • desert_sunriseBut unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. Malachi 4:2 The sun which is righteousness, who radiates the healing rays of salvation. This Divine righteousness shall shine forth upon them that live in holy fear of the the Name of God, filling and flooding them with joy and light, healing all wounds, removing all miseries, making them incalculably blessed. The Fathers generally apply the title of “Sun of Righteousness” to Christ, who is the Source of all justification and enlightenment and happiness, and who is called  “The Lord our Righteousness.” (Jeremiah 23:6)
    The happiness of the righteous is illustrated by a homely image drawn from pastoral pursuits. They had been, as it were, hidden in the time of affliction and temptation; they shall go forth boldly now, free and exulting, like calves driven from the stall to pasture (comp. Psalm 114:4, 6; Song of Solomon 2:8, 17).
  • Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us, Luke 1:78 So praises Zacharias in his noble hymn, all this tender care for Israel (though really for all humanity, if he hadn’t guessed it) is owing to the deep love of God. Whereby “the Dayspring from on high hath visited us.” In his temple service at Jerusalem the priest must have seen the ruddy dawn rise grandly over the dark chain of the distant mountains, and lighting up with a blaze of golden glory the everlasting hills as they stood around Jerusalem. This same thought has ever been held by the Church who in her worship bids us face East towards the Lord. The thought which pictured the advent of Messiah as a sunrise was a favourite with the prophets, “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For behold… Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of the; rising” (Isaiah 60:1-3). “Unto you that fear my Name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings” (Malachi 4:2).

come, and enlighten those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.

  • walkedindarknessThe people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. Isaiah 9:2 All the world was “in darkness” when Christ came; but here the Jews especially seem to be intended. “The Light of the world,” “the Sun of righteousness,” “the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world,” “first broke on man in that northern tract” by the way of the sea, “when Jesus came forward to teach and to preach in “Galilee of the Gentiles.” For thirty years He had dwelt at Nazareth, in Zebulon. There He had first come forward to teach in a synagogue (Luke 4:16-21); in Galilee He had performed His first miracles (John 2:11; John 4:54); at Capernaum. “Upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim,” He commenced His preaching of repentance (Matthew 4:13-17). The “light” first streamed forth in this quarter, glorifying the region on which contempt had long been poured, before bursting forth across the world, through the rays of the apostolic mission reaching through the ages to every quarter of the globe through their preaching of the Gospel.

Duodécimo Kaléndas Januárii. Luna.


Duodécimo Kaléndas Januárii.  Luna. The Twenty-First Day of December. The Night of the Moon.

Calamínæ natális beáti Thomæ Apóstoli, qui Parthis, Medis, Persis et Hyrcánis Evangélium prædicávit; ac demum in Indiam pervénit, ibíque, cum eos pópulos in Christiána religióne instituísset, Regis jussu lánceis transfíxus occúbuit.  Ipsíus relíquiæ primo ad urbem Edéssam, in Mesopotámia, deínde Ortónam, apud Frentános, translátæ sunt. At Mylapore, the birthday of the blessed Apostle Thomas, who preached the Gospel to the Parthians, Medes, Persians, and Hyrcanians.  Having finally penetrated into India, and instructed those nations in the Christian religion, he died pierced with lances at the order of the king.  His remains were first taken to the city of Edessa in Mesopotamia, and then to Ortona.

Fribúrgi Helvetiórum item natális sancti Petri Canísii, Sacerdótis e Societáte Jesu et Confessóris, doctrína et sanctitáte præclári; qui, difficíllimis Germániæ tempóribus, fidem cathólicam strénue deféndit ac propagávit. Eum vero Pius Undécimus, Póntifex Máximus, Sanctórum catálogo adscrípsit, simúlque Doctórem universális Ecclésiæ declarávit, et ipsíus festum quinto Kaléndas Maji agéndum esse decrévit. At Fribourg in Switzerland, the birthday also of St. Peter Canisius, priest of the Society of Jesus, a confessor famed for his sanctity and learning. He defended and spread the Catholic faith with the utmost zeal in Germany during its most difficult times. Pope Pius XI added him to the list of the saints, and at the same time declared him to be a doctor of the universal Church, appointing his feast to be observed on the 27th of April.

Antiochíæ sancti Anastásii, Epíscopi et Mártyris; qui, Phocæ Imperatóris témpore, a Judæis, in seditióne ab ipsis contra Christiános facta, sævíssime necátus est. At Antioch, St. Anastasius, bishop and martyr. During the reign of Emperor Phocas he was cruelly murdered by Jews in a riot which they had instigated against the Christians.

Nicomedíæ sancti Glycérii Presbyteri, qui, in persecutióne Diocletiáni, multis torméntis vexátus, demum, in ignem conjéctus, martyrium consummávit. At Nicomedia, St. Glycerius, priest. During the persecution of Diocletian he was subjected to many torments, and finally fulfilled his martyrdom by being cast into the flames.

In Túscia sanctórum Mártyrum Joánnis et Festi. In Tuscany, the holy martyrs John and Festus.

In Lycia sancti Themístoclis Mártyris, qui, sub Décio Imperatóre, pro sancto Dióscoro, qui quærebátur ad necem, se óbtulit, et, equúleo tortus, raptátus ac fústibus cæsus, martyrii corónam adéptus est. In Lycia, St. Themistocles, martyr.  In the reign of Emperor Decius, he offered himself to take the place of Dioscorus, whom they were seeking to slay.  He was tortured on the rack, dragged over rough ways and scourged, and thus obtained the crown of martyrdom.

Tréviris sancti Severíni, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Treves, St. Severinus, bishop and confessor.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.

R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

St. Thomas, Apostle

St. Edburge, Virgin

ORCCE Ordo: S. Thomae Apostoli ~ Duplex II. classis; Commemoratio: Sabbato Quattuor Temporum in Adventu

Nota Bene: Video: Dutch politician Geert Wilders named politician of the year by the people Examiner.com 19 December 2013 On Monday, Dutch news outlet the Volkskrant reported that Dutch politician Geert Wilders was named the 2013 politician of the year. The Dutch news program, ‘EenVandaag’, asked its viewers to vote for who they believed was the Netherlands best politician. There were approximately 35,000 viewers who cast a ballot, Wilders received 16% of those votes.

Video: December 10th: The Day of Genuine Human Rights Gates of Vienna 19 December 2013 By Baron Bodissey Hatune Dogan is a Turkish-German Orthodox Christian nun. In the video below, recorded on December 10th in Vienna, Sister Hatune gives a shocking description of the situation for Christians in Syria, Iraq and Turkey.

Prince Charles warns Christianity disappearing in Middle East birthplace Ecumenical News 19 December 2013 By Peter Kenny The heir to the British throne, Prince Charles has warned that the decline of Christians in the Middle East is a major blow to peace as they often act as bridge-builders…

Undécimo Kaléndas Decémbris. Luna.


Undécimo Kaléndas Decémbris. Luna. The Twenty-First Day of November. The Night of the Moon.

Hierosólymis Præsentátio beátæ Dei Genitrícis Vírginis Maríæ in Templo. In the temple at Jerusalem, the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

Eódem die natális beáti Rufi, de quo sanctus Paulus Apóstolus ad Romános scribit. Also, the birthday of blessed Rufus, mentioned by the apostle St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans.

Romæ pássio sanctórum Celsi et Cleméntis. At Rome, the martyrdom of the Saints Celsus and Clement.

Rhemis, in Gállia, sancti Albérti, Epíscopi Leodiénsis et Mártyris; qui pro tuénda ecclesiástica libertáte necátus est. At Rheims, St. Albert, bishop of Liege and martyr, who was put to death for defending the liberty of the Church.

Apud Ostia Tiberína natális sanctórum Mártyrum Demétrii et Honórii. At Ostia, the holy martyrs Demetrius and Honorius.

In Hispánia sanctórum Mártyrum Honórii, Eutychii et Stéphani. In Spain, the holy martyrs Honorius, Eutychius, and Stephen.

In Pamphylia sancti Heliodóri Mártyris, in persecutióne Aureliáni, sub Aétio Præside. Post eum vero ipsi tortóres, convérsi ad fidem, in mare demérsi sunt. In Pamphylia, St. Heliodorus, martyr, in the persecution of Aurelian under the governor Aetius. After his death his executioners were converted to the faith and were cast into the sea.

Romæ sancti Gelásii Papæ Primi, doctrína et sanctitáte conspícui. At Rome, Pope St. Gelasius, distinguished for learning and sanctity.

Verónæ sancti Mauri, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Verona, St. Maur, bishop and confessor.

In monastério Bobiénsi deposítio sancti Columbáni Abbátis, qui, multórum cœnobiórum Fundátor, plurimórum Monachórum éxstitit Pater, multísque virtútibus clarus, in senectúte bona quiévit. In the monastery of Bobbio, the death of St. Columban, abbot who founded many monasteries and governed a large number of monks. He died at an advanced age, celebrated for many virtues.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R. Deo grátias.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

November XXI.
The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Columban of Ireland, Abbot and Confessor
St. Gelasius, Pope and Confessor

Nota Bene:  Ref The Presentation of the BVM

The feast originated as a result of the dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary the New, built in 543 by the Byzantines under Emperor Justinian I near the site of the ruined Temple in Jerusalem. This basilica was destroyed by the Sassanid Persians under Khosrau II after the Siege of Jerusalem (614). The first documented celebration of the feast in any calendar is the mention of the Εἴσοδος τῆς Παναγίας Θεοτόκου (Entry of the All-Holy Theotokos, i.e., into the Temple) in the Menologion of Basil II, an 11th-century menology of the Eastern Roman (also known as Byzantine) emperor Basil II.

The feast continued to be celebrated throughout the East, was celebrated in the monasteries of Southern Italy by the ninth century, and was introduced into the Papal Chapel in Avignon in 1372 by decree of Pope Gregory XI. The feast was included in the Roman Missal in 1472, but was suppressed by Pope Pius V in 1568. As a result, it did not appear in the Tridentine Calendar [of 1570]. Pope Sixtus V reintroduced it into the Roman Calendar in 1585. Pope Clement VIII made this feast a greater double in 1597. The feast also continued as a memorial in the Roman Calendar of 1969.