Tertiodécimo Kaléndas Septémbris


Tertiodécimo Kaléndas Septémbris. Luna . The Twentieth Day of August. The Night of the Moon. 

In território Lingoniénsi deposítio sancti Bernárdi, primi Clarævallénsis Abbátis, vita, doctrína et miráculis gloriósi, quem Pius Octávus, Póntifex Máximus, universális Ecclésiæ Doctórem declarávit et confirmávit. In the territory of Langres, the death of St. Bernard, first abbot of Clairvaux, illustrious for virtues, learning, and miracles. He was declared and confirmed doctor of the Universal Church by the Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VIII.

Romæ deposítio sancti Pii Décimi, Papæ et Confessóris, fídei integritátis et ecclesiásticæ libertátis propugnatóris invícti, religionísque zelo insígnis, cujus festum tértio Nonas Septémbris recólitur. At Rome, the death of St. Pius X, pope and confessor, who championed the integrity of the faith and the liberty of the Church, and was renowned for his religious zeal. His feastday is celebrated on the 3rd of September.

Apud montem Senárium, in Etrúria, natális sancti Manétti Confessóris, e septem Fundatóribus Ordinis Servórum beátæ Maríæ Vírginis; qui, eídem hymnos dicens, exspirávit. Ipsíus autem ac Sociórum festum prídie Idus Februárii celebrátur. On Mount Senario in Tuscany, the birthday of St. Manetto, confessor, one of the seven founders of the Order of the Servites of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who died as he was repeating a hymn to her. His feast, with that of his companions, is kept on the 12th of February.

In Judæa sancti Samuélis Prophétæ, cujus sacra ossa (ut beátus Hierónymus scribit) Arcádius Augústus Constantinópolim tránstulit, et prope Séptimum collocávit. In Judea, the holy prophet Samuel, whose holy relics (as is related by St. Jerome) were taken to Constantinople by Emperor Arcadius, and deposited near Septimum.

In Cypro sancti Lúcii Senatóris, qui, perspécta constántia Theodóri, Cyrenénsis Epíscopi, in martyrio pósiti, ad Christi fidem est convérsus, et ad eam étiam Digniánum Præsidem pertráxit; cum eóque Cyprum proféctus, ibi, cum álios Christiános pro confessióne Dómini coronári vidéret, ultro se ipsum óbtulit, et cápitis obtruncatióne eándem martyrii corónam proméruit. In Cyprus, St. Lucius, senator, who was converted to the faith on seeing the constancy of Theodore, bishop of Cyrene, during his martyrdom. He also converted the governor Dignian, with whom he set out for Cyprus, where, seeing other Christians crowned for the confession of the Lord, he offered himself voluntarily, and merited the same crown of martyrdom by beheading.

In Thrácia sanctórum trigínta septem Mártyrum, qui, sub Præside Apelliáno, pro Christi fide, mánibus pedibúsque præcísis, in camínum ardéntem injécti sunt. In Thrace, in the time of the governor Apellian, thirty-seven holy martyrs, who had their hands and feet cut off for the faith of Christ, and were cast into a burning furnace.

Ibídem sanctórum Mártyrum Sevéri, et Memnónis Centuriónis; qui, eódem mortis génere consummáti, victóres abiérunt in cælum. Also, the holy martyrs Severus, and the centurion Memnon, who, suffering the same kind of death, went victoriously to heaven.

Córdubæ, in Hispánia, sanctórum Mártyrum Leovigíldi et Christóphori Monachórum, qui, in Arabum persecutióne, pro Christiánæ fídei defensióne in cárcerem conjécti, ac mox, cervícibus abscíssis, igni tráditi, martyrii palmam adépti sunt. At Cordova, during the persecution of the Arabs, the holy martyrs Leovigild and Christopher, monks, who were thrust into prison for the defence of the Christian faith, and soon after, being beheaded and cast into the fire, thus obtained the palm of martyrdom.

In Hério ínsula sancti Philibérti Abbátis. In the island of Hermoutier, St. Philibert, abbot.

Romæ beáti Porphyrii, qui fuit homo Dei, et sanctum Mártyrem Agapítum erudívit in fide et doctrína Christi. At Rome, blessed Porphyry, a man of God, who instructed the holy martyr Agapitus in the faith and doctrine of Christ.

In castro Cainóne, in Gállia, sancti Máximi Confessóris, qui éxstitit discípulus beáti Mártini Epíscopi. At Chinon, St. Maximus, confessor, disciple of the blessed bishop Martin.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God

August XX.
St. Bernard, Abbot
St. Oswin, King and Martyr

.Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places. Voice of the Persecuted– Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today. FOR NEWS OF CONTEMPORARY MARTYRS… Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic

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