Tértio Nonas Januárii. Luna


Nonis Januárii. Luna. The Fifth Day of January The Night of the Moon. 

Vigília Epiphaníæ Dómini.
The Vigil of the Epiphany of our Lord.

Romæ sancti Telésphori, Papæ et Mártyris; qui, sub Antoníno Pio, post multos labóres, pro Christi confessióne, illústre martyrium duxit.
At Rome, in the time of Antoninus Pius, St. Telesphorus, pope, who, after many sufferings for the confession of Christ, underwent a glorious martyrdom.

In Anglia natális sancti Eduárdi, Regis Anglórum et Confessóris; qui virtúte castitátis et grátia miraculórum fuit insígnis.  Ejus autem festívitas, ex decréto Innocéntii Papæ Undécimi, tértio Idus Octóbris, quo die sacrum ejus corpus translátum fuit, potíssimum celebrátur.
In England, St. Edward, king and confessor, illustrious by the virtue of chastity and the gift of miracles.  His feast, by order of Pope Innocent XI, is celebrated on the 13th of October, on which day his holy body was transferred.
In Ægypto commemorátio plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum, qui in Thebáide, sub persecutióne Diocletiáni, divérso tormentórum génere cæsi sunt.
In Egypt, during the persecution of Diocletian, the commemoration of many holy martyrs who were put to death in Thebais by various kinds of torments.

Antiochíæ sancti Simeónis Mónachi, qui, multos annos in colúmna stans vixit, unde et Stylítæ cognómen accépit; cujus vita et conversátio éxstitit admirábilis.
At Antioch, St. Simeon, monk, admirable both for his life and for his conversation.  He lived for many years standing on a pillar, and was for that reason called Stylites.
Romæ sanctæ Æmiliánæ Vírginis, ámitæ sancti Gregórii Papæ; quæ, vocánte Tharsílla soróre, quæ ad Deum præcésserat, hac ipsa die migrávit ad Dóminum.
At Rome, the holy virgin Emiliana, aunt of Pope St. Gregory.  Being called to God by her sister Tharsilla, who had preceded her, she departed to heaven on this day.

Alexandríæ sanctæ Syncléticæ Vírginis, cujus res præcláre gestas sanctus Athanásius monuméntis litterárum commendávit.
At Alexandria, St. Syncletica, whose noble deeds have been recorded by St. Athanasius.
In Ægypto sanctæ Apollináris Vírginis.
In Egypt, St. Apollinaris, virgin.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

January V.
St. Simeon Stylites, Confessor
St. Telesphorus, Pope and Martyr
St. Syncletica, Virgin


Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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