Quinto Idus Augusti. Luna


Quinto Idus Augusti. Luna … This Day, the Ninth Day of August

St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), martyr, Carmelite nun and convert from Judaism. Together with her sister Rosa, a Carmelite extern, they were gassed to death by the Nazis at Auschwitz concentration camp August 9, 1942.

Vigilia sancti Laurentii Martyris. Sancti Joannis Baptistae-Mariae Vianney, Presbyteri et Confessoris, caelestis omnium parochorum Patroni; cujus dies natalis pridie Nonas mensis hujus recensetur. The vigil of St. Lawrence, martyr. Saint John-Baptist Mary Vianney, heavenly patron of all parish priests, whose heavenly nativity was on the fourth day of August.

Romae sancti Romani, militis et Martyris; qui, confessione beati Laurentii compunctus, petiit ab eo baptizari, et, mox exhibitus ac fustibus caesus, ad ultimum decollatus est. At Rome, St. Romanus, soldier, who was moved by the torments of blessed Lawrence to ask for baptism from him. He was immediately prosecuted, scourged, and finally beheaded.

In Tuscia natalis sanctorum Martyrum Secundiani, Marcelliani et Veriani; qui, tempore Decii, a Promoto Consulari primum caesi sunt, deinde in equuleo suspensi, et abrasi ungulis, atque igne lateribus apposito assati, ac tandem triumphalem martyrii palmam, capite caesi, meruerunt. In Tuscany, the birthday of the holy martyrs Secundian, Marcellian, and Verian. In the time of Decius, they were scourged by the ex-consul Promotus, then racked and torn with iron hooks. Being burned with fire applied to their sides, they merited the triumphant palm of martyrdom by having their heads struck off.

Veronae sanctorum Martyrum Firmi et Rustici, qui, tempore Maximiani Imperatoris, sub Anolino Judice, cum sacrificare idolis renuerent et constanter in Christi fide persisterent, ambo jussi sunt, post alia superata supplicia, fustibus caedi et capite amputari. At Verona, the holy martyrs Firmus and Rusticus, in the time of the emperor Maximian.

In Africa commemoratio plurimorum sanctorum Martyrum, qui, in persecutione Valeriani, hortante eos ad constantiam sancto Numidico, in ignem conjecti, martyrii palmam adepti sunt. Ipse autem Numidicus, licet cum aliis in rogum injectus et lapidibus obrutus fuisset, a filia tamen, effossus et semivivus repertus, curatus est; ac postea, ob ejus virtutem, in Ecclesiae Carthaginensis Presbyterum a beato Cypriano meruit cooptari. In Africa, the commemoration of many holy martyrs, during the persecution of Valerian. Being exhorted by St. Numidicus, they obtained the palm of martyrdom by being cast into the fire, but Numidicus, although thrown into the flames with the others and overwhelmed with stones, was nevertheless taken out by his daughter. Found half dead, he was restored and deserved afterwards by his virtue to be made priest of the church of Carthage by blessed Cyprian.

Constantinopoli sanctorum Martyrum Juliani, Marciani et aliorum octo; qui, ob Salvatoris imaginem, quam in porta aenea constituerant, omnes, impii Leonis Imperatoris jussu, post multa tormenta, gladio necati sunt. At Constantinople, the holy martyrs Julian, Marcian, and eight others. For having set up the image of our Saviour on the brazen gate, they were exposed to many torments, and then beheaded by order of the impious emperor Leo.

Catalauni, in Gallia, sancti Domitiani, Episcopi et Confessoris. At Chalons, in France, St. Domitian, bishop and confessor.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God

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