Octávo Idus Novémbris. Luna


Octávo Idus Novémbris. Luna . The Sixth Day of November. The Night of the Moon. 

Barcinóne, in Hispánia, sancti Sevéri, Epíscopi et Mártyris; qui ob fidem cathólicam, confósso per clavum cápite, martyrii corónam accépit.
At Barcelona in Spain, St. Severus, bishop and martyr, who had his head pierced with a spike, and thus received the crown of martyrdom for the sake of the Catholic faith.

Thiníssæ, in Africa, natális sancti Felícis Mártyris, qui, conféssus et ad torménta dilátus, álio die (ut refert sanctus Augustínus, Psalmum in ejus festivitáte ad pópulum expónens) invéntus est in cárcere exánimis.
At Tunis in Africa, the birthday of St. Felix, martyr, who, having confessed Christ, was sent to prison.  His sentence had been deferred, but the next day he was found dead, as is related by St. Augustine when he was expounding on a psalm to the people on the feast of the saint.

Theópoli, quæ est Antiochía, sanctórum decem Mártyrum, qui a Saracénis passi legúntur.
At Theopolis, which is Antioch, ten holy martyrs who are said to have suffered at the hands of the Saracens.

In Phrygia sancti Attici Mártyris.
In Phrygia, St. Atticus, martyr.

Apud Bergas, in Flándria, deposítio sancti Winóci Abbátis, qui, virtútibus et miráculis clarus, étiam frátribus sibi súbditis multo témpore ministrávit.
At Berg in Flanders, the death of St. Winoc, abbot, who was renowned for virtues and miracles, and for a long time was servant to the brethren subject to him.

Fundis, in Látio, sancti Felícis Mónachi.
At Fondi in Lazio, St. Felix, monk.

Lemóvicis, in Aquitánia, sancti Leonárdi Confessóris, qui fuit beáti Remígii Epíscopi discípulus.  Hic, nóbili génere ortus, solitáriam vitam delégit, et sanctitáte ac miráculis cláruit; ejúsque virtus præcípue in liberándis captívis enítuit.
At Limoges in Aquitaine, St. Leonard, confessor, disciple of the blessed bishop Remigius, who was born of a noble family but chose to lead a solitary life.  He was celebrated for holiness and miracles, but his virtue shone particularly in the deliverance of captives.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

November VI.
St. Leonard, Hermit and Confessor
St. Winoc, Abbot
St. Iltutus, Abbot

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