Establishing Old Roman intentional communities

Feria VI infra Octavam Ascensionis


In our mission to “fidem servare” i.e. to “keep the faith”, establishing Old Roman intentional Catholic communities requires deliberate effort and planning to create a tight-knit congregation centered around shared beliefs and values. To establish an intentional Catholic community, it is important to develop a growth-focused vision centered on shared values and beliefs.

Like other traditional Catholic apostolates, Old Roman missions and chapels have been established as places independent of the institutional hierarchy to provide the traditional Mass and sacraments. Old Roman missions and chapels aim to provide a more traditional and spiritual approach to worship, and they have a strong following among the faithful who seek a more authentic Catholic experience. But in order to develop intentional communities, it is necessary to have an appreciation for the faith that goes beyond the reception of the sacraments, and instead focuses on a deeper understanding of Catholic teaching and theology.

To foster a Catholic way of life, regular catechism, spiritual direction, and formation of a Catholic worldview that guides all aspects of one’s life is essential. Moreover, intentional communities necessitate a shared set of values and a strong commitment to live by them collectively. This entails a willingness to prioritize the common good over personal preferences, a devoted practice of prayer and spiritual development, and a readiness to serve others. By creating intentional communities based on these principles, Old Roman missions and chapels can offer a compelling testimony to the life-altering potential of the Catholic faith.

How to begin…

Choosing a location served by the Old Roman apostolate or some other traditional Catholic mission or chapel can have several benefits for those seeking to practice their faith. Firstly, such locations often provide a more traditional form of worship, with a focus on ritual and reverence. This can be appealing to those who prefer a more solemn and contemplative atmosphere. Additionally, these locations may offer a greater sense of community, as fellow worshippers are often like-minded individuals who share similar beliefs and values.

Forming a traditional Catholic community can be a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor for those who seek to deepen their faith and connect with like-minded individuals. Here are some steps to get started:

  1. Identify like-minded individuals: Reach out to fellow Catholics in your area who share a desire to live out their faith in a traditional way. Attend Latin Masses and traditional Catholic events to meet others who may be interested in forming a community.
  2. Define your community’s values: Decide what values will guide your community. could include devotion to the traditional of the Catholic Church, a commitment to prayer and sacraments, a dedication to serving others, or a focus on traditional family life.
  3. Establish a regular meeting schedule: Determine a regular time and place to meet as a community. This could be for Mass, prayer, fellowship, or any of these.
  4. Plan events: Organize events and activities that align with your community’s values. These could include traditional devotions, study groups, retreats, volunteer work, and social events.
  5. Seek guidance from a priest: It’s important to seek guidance from a traditional Catholic priest who can provide spiritual direction and support for your community.
  6. Stay connected: Use social media and other communication tools to stay connected with your community members between meetings and events. This can help build a sense of community and deepen relationships.

Forming an intentional traditional Catholic community takes time and effort, but the rewards can be significant. By coming together in faith and fellowship, you can strengthen your own faith and build a community that supports and encourages one another in your journey to heaven.

Finding like-minded individuals

If you are a traditional Catholic looking to connect with others who share beliefs there are several ways to find like-minded individuals.

  1. Attend Traditional Latin: The Traditional Latin Mass is celebrated according to the pre-Vatican II liturgy. Attending the Traditional Latin Mass can be a great way to find traditional Catholics who share your beliefs and values.
  2. Join Catholic Groups: Joining Old Roman and Traditional Catholic groups on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit can be an excellent way to connect with like-minded traditional Catholics from all around the world.
  3. Attend Traditional Catholic Conferences: Traditional Catholic conferences are held in different parts of the world and offer an opportunity to meet and connect with other traditional Catholics.
  4. Read Traditional Catholic Literature: Reading Catholic literature can provide an opportunity to connect with other traditional Catholics who share your interests and values.
  5. Volunteer at Traditional Catholic Organizations: Volunteering at Old Roman or traditional Catholic organizations can be an excellent way to connect with other traditional Catholics who share your beliefs and values.

In conclusion, finding like-minded traditional Catholics can be challenging, but attending Traditional Latin Mass, joining Traditional Catholic groups, attending Traditional Catholic Conferences, reading Traditional Catholic Literature, and volunteering at Traditional Catholic Organizations can help you connect with other traditional Catholics who share your values and beliefs.

Defining values

To define traditional Catholic values for an intentional community, it is essential to first understand what these values entail. The Catholic faith is built on a foundation of love, compassion, and service to others. It emphasizes the importance of family, community, and the common good.

To find traditional Catholic values for an intentional community, one can start by looking to the teachings of the Church and the writings of the saints. These sources provide a wealth of knowledge on how to live a life that is rooted in Catholic values.

Additionally, it can be helpful to consult with other Catholic communities and organizations to learn from their experiences and practices. These communities can provide guidance how to incorporate Catholic values into daily life and decision-making processes.

Finally, prayer and reflection are critical components of defining traditional Catholic values for an intentional community. By seeking guidance from God and the Holy Spirit, community members can discern what values are most important and how to live them out in their daily lives.

Overall, defining traditional Catholic values for an intentional community requires a commitment to learning, collaboration, and spiritual growth. By seeking guidance from the Church, other Catholic communities, and God, community members can build a strong foundation that fosters love, compassion, and service to others.

Establishing a house

Starting an intentional Catholic community is exciting opportunity to live out your faith in community with others. However, finding the perfect house to start your community can be a daunting task. Here are some tips to help you find the right house for your intentional Catholic community.

  1. Pray for guidance: Begin by praying for guidance. Ask God to lead you to the right house and to provide for your needs. Trust that He will guide you to the right place.
  2. Consider your budget: Determine your budget before you begin your search. This will help you narrow down your options and prevent you from getting in over your head financially. Will you rent a place or buy property?
  3. Location: Consider the location of the house. Is it in a safe neighborhood? Is it close to an Old Roman mission or other traditional Catholic community resources? Is it easily accessible for visitors?
  4. Size: Determine the size of the house you need. How many people will be living in the community? How much space do you need for common areas, a domestic altar and individual living spaces?
  5. Amenities: Consider the amenities needed. Do you need a large kitchen for communal meals? Do you need multiple bathrooms and bedrooms? Do you need a garden or outdoor space for community activities?
  6. Community zoning: Check the zoning laws in the area to ensure that you can legally operate an intentional community house or house of multiple occupation.
  7. Inspection: Before making an offer on a house, be sure to have it inspected. Look for any potential issues that may need to be addressed before moving in, particularly maintenance of the building and whose responsible.

Remember, finding the perfect house for your intentional Catholic community may take time, but with prayer and patience, you will find the right place. Trust in God’s plan and allow Him to guide you in this exciting new chapter of your faith journey.

Old Roman assistance

The Congregation of Divine Charity is an Old Roman organization that offers guidance and support to individuals and communities who are interested in establishing intentional Catholic communities. The organization’s primary mission is to help individuals discern their religious vocation, to support religious communities, and to support lay apostolates. In addition, the Congregation works to promote the establishment of intentional Catholic communities, groups of individuals who live together in accordance with Catholic values and principles. If you are interested in learning more about intentional Catholic communities or would like assistance in establishing one, the Congregation of Divine Charity is a valuable resource to consider.

Oremus pro invicem

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