Quinto Kaléndas Januárii. Luna.


Quinto Kaléndas Januárii.  Luna. The Twenty-Eighth Day of December. The Night of the Moon.

In Béthlehem Judæ natális sanctórum Innocéntium Mártyrum, qui pro Christo ab Heróde Rege interfécti sunt. In Bethlehem of Juda, the birthday of the Holy Innocents, who were slain for Christ by Herod the king.
Lugdúni, in Gállia, item natális sancti Francísci Salésii, Epíscopi Gebennénsis et Confessóris; quem, doctrína et flagrantíssimo in converténdis hæréticis zelo præclárum, Alexánder Papa Séptimus in Sanctórum númerum rétulit, et ipsíus festivitátem quarto Kaléndas Februárii, quo die sacrum illíus corpus Lugdúno Annésium, in Sabáudia, fuit translátum, agéndam esse constítuit. Eum Pius Nonus, Póntifex Máximus, Doctórem universális Ecclésiæ declarávit; et Pius Papa Undécimus ómnibus Scriptóribus cathólicis, qui diáriis aliísve scriptis in vulgus edéndis Christiánam sapiéntiam illústrant ac próvehunt et tuéntur, cæléstem Patrónum dedit seu confirmávit. At Lyons in France, the birthday also of St. Francis de Sales, bishop of Geneva and confessor. Because of his burning zeal for the conversion of heretics and his learning, Pope Alexander VII placed him among the number of the saints, and his feast is observed on the 29th of January, on which day his holy body was translated from Lyons to Annecy in Savoy. Pope Pius IX decreed him a doctor of the universal Church, and Pope Pius XI constituted him the heavenly patron of all Catholic writers who explain, promote, or defend Christian doctrine by publishing journals or other writings in the vernacular.
Ancyræ, in Galátia, sanctórum Mártyrum Eutychii Presbyteri, et Domitiáni Diáconi. At Ancyra in Galatia, the holy martyrs Eutychius, priest, and Domitian, deacon.
In Africa natális sanctórum Mártyrum Cástoris, Victóris et Rogatiáni. In Africa, the birthday of the holy martyrs Castor, Victor, and Rogatian.
Nicomedíæ sanctórum Mártyrum Indis eunúchi, Domnæ et Agapis ac Theóphilæ Vírginum, et Sociórum; qui, in persecutióne Diocletiáni, post longa certámina, divérso mortis génere corónam martyrii sunt assecúti. At Nicomedia, the holy martyrs Indes, a eunuch, Domna, Agapes, and Theophila, virgins, and their companions, who, after long trials, attained to the crown of martyrdom by various kinds of death, during the persecution of Diocletian.
Neocæsaréæ, in Ponto, sancti Troádii Mártyris, in persecutióne Décii; cui quidem Troádio agonizánti sanctus Gregórius Thaumatúrgus in spíritu ádfuit, eúmque ad subeúndum martyrium roborávit. At Neocaesarea in Pontus, St. Troadius, martyr, in the persecution of Decius. During his trial St. Gregory Thaumaturgus appeared to him in spirit and encouraged him to undergo martyrdom.
Arabíssi, in Arménia inferióre, sancti Cæsárii Mártyris, qui sub Galério Maximiáno passus est. At Arabissus in Lower Armenia, St. Caesarius, martyr, who suffered under Galerius Maximian.
 In monastério Lirinénsi, in Gállia, sancti Antónii Mónachi, miráculis clari. In the monastery of Lerins in France, St. Anthony, a monk famed for his miracles.
Romæ sancti Domniónis Presbyteri. At Rome, St. Domnio, priest.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.

R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:
The Holy Innocents
St. Theodorus, Abbot of Tabenna, Confessor

ORCCE Ordo: Ss. Innocentium ~ Duplex II. classis

Nota Bene: 

Christian Syrian Refugees Denied Visas to West

Christians being attack on Christmas in Mideast

Reverend Peter Jasper Akinola RESCUED : Nigeria’s Anglican Leader Kidnapped by Gunmen

VIDEO reports: Iraq bombings target Christians on Christmas

Joy and fear for Christians in Sri Lanka

Egyptian Copts to celebrate Christmas ‘no matter the circumstance’

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