Prídie Idus Januárii. Luna.


Prídie Idus Januárii.  Luna. The Twelfth Day of January. The Night of the Moon.

Romæ sanctæ Tatiánæ Mártyris, quæ, sub Alexándro Imperatóre, uncis atque pectínibus laniáta, béstiis expósita et in ignem missa, sed nil læsa, demum, gládio percússa, migrávit in cælum. At Rome, in the time of Emperor Alexander, St. Tatiana, martyr, who had her flesh torn with iron hooks and combs, was thrown to the beasts and cast into the fire, but, having received no injury, was beheaded, and thus went to heaven.
Constantinópoli sanctórum Tígrii Presbyteri, et Eutrópii Lectóris; qui, Arcádii Imperatóris témpore, cum de incéndio quo Ecclésia princeps et Senátus cúria conflagráverant, tamquam per eos ad exsílium sancti Joánnis Chrysóstomi ulciscéndum excitáto, per calúmniam accusáti essent, sub Præfécto urbis Optáto, inánium deórum superstitióne implícito et Christiánæ religiónis osóre, passi sunt. At Constantinople, the Saints Tigrius, priest, and Eutropius, lector, who, in the time of Emperor Arcadius, were falsely accused of the fire which destroyed the principal church and the senate building in order to avenge the exile of St. John Chrysostom. They suffered under Optatus, prefect of the city, who was given to the worship of false gods and a hatred for the Christian religion.
In Achája sancti Sátyri Mártyris, qui, cum ante quoddam idólum transíret, in illud exsufflávit, signans sibi frontem, atque statim idólum córruit; ob quam causam decollátus est. In Achaia, St. Satyrus, martyr. As he passed before an idol and breathed upon it, making the sign of the cross upon his forehead, the idol immediately fell to the ground; for this reason he was beheaded.
Eódem die sancti Arcádii Mártyris, génere et miráculis clari. On the same day, St. Arcadius, martyr, illustrious for his noble extraction and miracles.
In Africa sanctórum Mártyrum Zótici, Rogáti, Modésti, Cástuli, et corónæ mílitum quadragínta. In Africa, the holy martyrs Zoticus, Rogatus, Modestus, Castulus, and forty soldiers gloriously crowned.
Tíbure sancti Zótici Mártyris. At Tivoli, St. Zoticus, martyr.
Ephesi pássio sanctórum quadragínta duórum Monachórum, qui ob cultum sanctárum Imáginum, sub Constantíno Coprónymo, sævíssime cruciáti, martyrium complevérunt. At Ephesus, under Constantine Copronymus, the passion of forty-two holy monks, who endured martyrdom after being most cruelly tortured for the defence of sacred images.
Ravénnæ sancti Joánnis, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Ravenna, St. John, bishop and confessor.
Verónæ sancti Probi Epíscopi. At Verona, St. Probus, bishop.
In Anglia sancti Benedícti, Abbátis et Confessóris. In England, St. Benedict Biscop, abbot and confessor.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.

R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:
St. Arcadius, Martyr
St. Benedict Biscop, Abbot
St. Tygrius and St. Eutropius, Martyrs
St. Aelred, Abbot in England

ORCCE Ordo: Dominica infra Octavam Epiphaniae Semiduplex; Commemoratio: Septima die infra Octavam Epiphaniae


Nota Bene:

‘Martyr killings’ of Christians on the rise across the world

War On Christians, Those Martyred Doubled in 2013

US street preacher Tony Miano arrested in Scotland

LEBANON: Thousands of books, manuscripts torched in fire at historic Lebanese library

US street preacher Tony Miano arrested in Scotland


Added Security For Coptic Churches In Egypt

Another Year Begins As Pastor Saeed Continues to Suffer in Iran

PRAYER ALERT: PERSECUTION: Multiple Attacks Against Nigerian Christian Village, Insurgents Caught

NIGERIA: Islamists Burn And Destroy Christian Village, 600 Families Displaced

Libyan Christians Asking For Day of Prayer/Sunday Jan. 5, 2014

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