Quarto Idus Januárii. Luna.


Quarto Idus Januárii.  Luna. The Tenth Day of January. The Night of the Moon.

In Thebáide natális beáti Pauli, primi Eremítæ, Confessóris, qui, a sextodécimo ætátis suæ anno usque ad centésimum décimum tértium, solus in erémo permánsit; cujus ánimam, inter Apostolórum et Prophetárum choros, ad cælum ferri ab Angelis sanctus Antónius vidit. Ejus autem festívitas décimo octávo Kaléndas Februárii celebrátur. In Thebais, the birthday of St. Paul, the first hermit who lived alone in the desert from the sixteenth to the one hundred and thirteenth year of his age. His soul was seen by St. Anthony carried by angels among the choirs of apostles and prophets. His feast is kept on the 15th of this month.
In Cypro beáti Nicánoris, qui fuit unus de septem primis Diáconis; atque, grátia fídei et virtúte admirándus, gloriosíssime coronátus est. In Cyprus, blessed Nicanor, one of the first seven deacons, a man of admirable faith and virtue, who received the crown of glory.
Romæ sancti Agathónis Papæ, qui, sanctitáte et doctrína conspícuus, quiévit in pace. At Rome, Pope St. Agatho, who, by a holy death, concluded a life remarkable for sanctity and learning.
Bitúricis, in Aquitánia, sancti Willhélmi, Epíscopi et Confessóris, signis et virtútibus clari; quem Honórius Papa Tértius in Sanctórum cánonem adscrípsit. At Bourges in Aquitaine, St. William, archbishop and confessor, renowned for miracles and virtues. He was canonized by Pope Honorius III.
Medioláni sancti Joánnis Boni, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Milan, St. John the Good, bishop and confessor.
Constantinópoli sancti Marciáni Presbyteri. At Constantinople, St. Marcian, priest.
In monastério Cuxanénsi, in Gállia, natális sancti Petri Urséoli Confessóris, qui, antea Venetiárum Dux et deínde Mónachus ex Ordine sancti Benedícti, pietáte et virtútibus cláruit. In the monastery of Cusani in France, the birthday of St. Peter Orsini, confessor, previously the Doge of Venice and afterwards monk of the Order of St. Benedict, renowned for piety and miracles.
Arétii, in Túscia, beáti Gregórii Décimi, civis Placentíni, qui, ex Archidiácono Leodiénsi Summus Póntifex renuntiátus, Concílium Lugdunénse secúndum celebrávit, Græcísque ad unitátem fídei recéptis, compósitis Christianórum dissídiis, Terræ Sanctæ recuperatióne institúta, de universáli Ecclésia, quam sanctíssime gubernávit, óptime méritus est. At Arezzo in Tuscany, blessed Gregory X, a native of Piacenza, who was elected Sovereign Pontiff while he was archdeacon of Liege. He held the second Council of Lyons, received the Greeks into the unity of the Church, appeased discords among the Christians, made generous efforts for the recovery of the Holy Land, and governed the Church in a most holy manner.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.

R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:
St. William, Confessor, Archbishop of Bourges
St. Agatho, Pope
St. Marcian, Priest

ORCCE Ordo: Quinta die infra Octavam Epiphaniae ~ Feria major

Nota Bene: 

War On Christians, Those Martyred Doubled in 2013

LEBANON: Thousands of books, manuscripts torched in fire at historic Lebanese library

US street preacher Tony Miano arrested in Scotland


Added Security For Coptic Churches In Egypt

Another Year Begins As Pastor Saeed Continues to Suffer in Iran

PRAYER ALERT: PERSECUTION: Multiple Attacks Against Nigerian Christian Village, Insurgents Caught

NIGERIA: Islamists Burn And Destroy Christian Village, 600 Families Displaced

Libyan Christians Asking For Day of Prayer/Sunday Jan. 5, 2014

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