Nono Kaléndas Septémbris. Luna


Nono Kaléndas Septémbris. Luna . The Twenty-Fourth Day of August. The .. Night of the Moon.

Sancti Bartholomǽi Apóstoli, qui Christi Evangélium in India prædicávit; inde in majórem Arméniam proféctus, ibi, cum plúrimos ad fidem convertísset, vivus a bárbaris decoriátus est, atque, Astyagis Regis jussu, cápitis decollatióne martyrium complévit.  Ipsíus sacrum corpus, primo ad Líparam ínsulam, deínde Benevéntum, postrémo Romam ad Tiberínam translátum ínsulam, ibi pia fidélium veneratióne honorátur.
The apostle St. Bartholomew, who preached the Gospel of Christ in India.  Passing thence into the Greater Armenia where, after converting many to the faith, he was flayed alive by the barbarians, and having his head cut off by order of King Astyages, he fulfilled his martyrdom.  His holy body was first carried to the island of Lipara, then to Benevento, and finally to Rome in the Island of the Tiber, where it is venerated by the pious faithful.

Limæ, in Perúvia, natális sanctæ Rosæ a sancta María, Vírginis, e tértio Ordine sancti Domínici.  Ejus vero festívitas tértio Kaléndas Septémbris celebrátur.
At Lima in Peru, the birthday of St. Rose of St. Mary, virgin of the Third Order of St. Dominic.  Her feast is observed on the 30th of August.

Népete sancti Ptolomǽi Epíscopi, qui fuit discípulus beáti Petri Apóstoli; atque, ab eo missus in Túsciam ad prædicándum Evangélium, in eádem civitáte gloriósus Christi Martyr occúbuit.
At Nepi, St. Ptolemy, bishop, disciple of the blessed apostle Peter.  Being sent by him to preach the Gospel in Tuscany, he died a glorious martyr of Christ in the city of Nepi.

Eódem die sancti Eutychii, qui fuit discípulus beáti Joánnis Evangelístæ; atque, ob Evangélii prædicatiónem in multis regiónibus cárceres, vérbera et ignes perpéssus, in pace tandem quiévit.
Also, St. Eutychius, disciple of the blessed evangelist John.  He preached the Gospel in many countries, and was subjected to imprisonment, to stripes and fire, but finally he rested in peace.

Népete sancti Románi, ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopi, qui, cum esset sancti Ptolomǽi discípulus, fuit étiam in passióne sócius.
Also at Nepi, St. Romanus, bishop of that city, who was the disciple of St. Ptolemy, and his companion in martyrdom.

Carthágine sanctórum trecentórum Mártyrum, témpore Valeriáni et Galliéni.  Hi Mártyres magnánimi, inter ália supplícia, cum Præses fornácem calcáriam accéndi jussísset, et, in præséntia ejus, prunas cum thure exhibéri, atque illis dixísset: « Elígite e duóbus unum, aut thura super his carbónibus offérte Jovi, aut in calcem demergímini », fide armáti, Christum Dei Fílium confiténtes, ictu rapidíssimo se injecérunt in ignem, et inter calcis vapóres in púlverem sunt redácti; ex quo candidátus ille beatórum exércitus appellári Massa cándida méruit.
At Carthage, three hundred holy martyrs, in the time of Valerian and Gallienus .  Among other torments inflicted on them, a pit filled with burning lime was prepared by order of the governor, who, live coals with incense being brought to him, said to the confessors: “Choose one of these two things: either offer incense to Jupiter upon these coals, or be thrown into the lime.”  Armed with faith, and confessing Christ to be the Son of God, they quickly threw themselves into the pit, and amid the vapours of the lime were reduced to dust.  From this circumstance, this white-robed company of the blessed earned for itself the name of the White Mass.

In Isáuria sancti Tatiónis Mártyris, qui, in persecutióne Diocletiáni, sub Urbáno Præside, gládio cæsus, martyrii corónam accépit.
In Isauria, St. Tation, martyr, who received the crown of martyrdom by being beheaded in the persecution of Diocletian, under the governor Urbanus.
Item sancti Geórgii Limniótæ Mónachi, qui, cum ímpium Leónem Imperatórem, quod sacras Imágines, frángeret Sanctorúmque relíquias combúreret, reprehendísset, hanc ob causam, ejus jussu mánibus abscíssis et cápite incénso, Martyr migrávit ad Dóminum.
Also, St. George Limniota, monk.  Because he reprehended the wicked emperor Leo for breaking holy images, and burning the relics of the saints, he had his hands cut off and his head burned by order of the tyrant, and went to our Lord to receive the recompence of a martyr.

Apud Ostia Tiberína sanctæ Aureæ, Vírginis et Mártyris; quæ saxo ad collum ligáto, in mare demérsa est.  Ipsíus autem corpus, ejéctum ad littus, beátus Nonnus sepelívit.
At Ostia, on the Tiber, St. Aurea, virgin and martyr, who was plunged into the sea with a stone tied to her neck.  Her body being driven to the shore was buried by blessed Nonnus.

Rotómagi sancti Audoéni, Epíscopi et Confessóris.
At Rouen, St. Owen, bishop and confessor.

Nivérnis, in Gállia, sancti Patrícii Abbátis.
At Nevers in France, St. Patrick, abbot.

Neápoli in Campánia, sanctæ Joánnæ Antidæ Thouret, Vírginis, Institúti Sorórum a Caritáte Fundatrícis, quam Pius Papa Undécimus in album sanctárum Vírginum rétulit.
At Naples in Campania, St. Joan Antide Thouret, virgin, who founded the Daughters of Saint Vincent de Paul, and whom Pope Pius XI added to the catalogue of holy virgins.

Massíliæ, in Gállia, sanctæ Æmíliæ de Vialár, Vírginis, Fundatrícis Institúti Sorórum a sancto Joseph ab Apparitióne, fortitúdine, patiéntia et caritáte insígnis, quam Pius Duodécimus, Póntifex Máximus, in Sanctárum númerum rétulit.
At Marseilles in France, St. Emily de Vialar, virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Apparition.  A shining example of fortitude, patience and charity, the Sovereign Pontiff Pius XII added her to the number of the saints.

Valéntiæ, in Hispánia, natális sanctæ Maríæ Michaélæ, Vírginis, Fundatrícis Congregatiónis Ancillárum a Sanctíssimo Sacraménto et Caritátis, patiéndi stúdio ac desidério ánimas Deo lucrándi inflammátæ, quam Pius Papa Undécimus sanctis Virgínibus accénsuit.
At Valencia in Spain, the birthday of St. Mary Micaela, virgin, who founded the Institute of Religious Adorer-Slaves of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity.  Burning with the desire to suffer and draw souls to God, she was numbered among the holy virgins by Pope Pius XI.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum VírginumR.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.

August XXIV.
St. Bartholomew, Apostle
SS. The Martyrs of Utica, Called the White Mass
St. Ouen, or Audoen, Archbishop of Rouen, Confessor
St. Irchard, or Erthad, Bishop and Confessor in Scotland

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

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