Tértio Kaléndas Septémbris. Luna


Tértio Kaléndas Septémbris. Luna . The Thirtieth Day of August. The Night of the Moon.

Sanctæ Rosæ a Sancta María, e tértio Ordine sancti Domínici, Vírginis; cujus dies natális nono Kaléndas Septémbris recensétur.
The feast of St. Rose of St. Mary, virgin of the Third Order of St. Dominic, whose birthday is recalled on the 24th of August.

Romæ, via Ostiénsi, pássio beáti Felícis Presbyteri, sub Diocletiáno et Maximiáno Imperatóribus.  Hic, post equúlei vexatiónem, data senténtia, cum ducerétur ad decollándum, óbvius ei fuit quidam Christiánus, qui, dum se Christiánum esse sponte profiterétur, mox cum eódem páriter decollátus est; cujus nomen ignorántes, Christiáni Adáuctum eum appellavérunt, eo quod sancto Felíci auctus sit ad corónam.
At Rome, on the Ostian Way, the martyrdom of the blessed priest Felix, under Emperors Diocletian and Maximian.  After being racked he was sentenced to death, and as they led him to execution, he met a man who spontaneously declared himself a Christian, and was forthwith beheaded with him.  The Christians, not knowing his name, called him Adauctus, because he was added to St. Felix and shared his crown.

Item Romæ sanctæ Gaudéntiæ, Vírginis et Mártyris, cum áliis tribus.
Also at Rome, St. Gaudentia, virgin and martyr, with three others.
Colóniæ Suffetulánæ, in Africa, beatórum sexagínta Mártyrum, qui furóre Gentílium cæsi sunt.
At Colonia Suffetulana in Africa, sixty blessed martyrs, who were murdered by the furious heathen.

Bonóniæ sancti Bonónii Abbátis.
At Bologna, St. Bononius, abbot.
Romæ sancti Pammáchii Presbyteri, qui fuit doctrína et sanctitáte conspícuus.
At Rome, St Pammachius, priest, who was noteworthy for learning and sanctity.
Adruméti, in Africa, sanctórum Bonifátii et Theclæ, qui beatórum duódecim filiórum Mártyrum paréntes fuérunt.
At Adrumetum, also in Africa, the Saints Boniface and Thecla, who were the parents of twelve blessed sons, all martyrs.

Thessalonícæ sancti Fantíni Confessóris, qui, multa a Saracénis perpéssus, atque e monastério, in quo abstinéntia víxerat admirábili, expúlsus, demum, cum plúrimos ad viam salútis perduxísset, in senectúte bona quiévit.
At Thessalonica, St. Fantinus, confessor, who suffered much from the Saracens, and was driven from his monastery, in which he had lived in great abstinence.  After having brought many to the way of salvation, he rested at last at an advanced age.

In território Meldénsi sancti Fiácrii Confessóris.
In the diocese of Meaux, St. Fiacre, confessor.

Trebis, in Látio, sancti Petri Confessóris, qui, multis clarus virtútibus et miráculis, ibídem migrávit ad Dóminum, et honorífice cólitur.
At Trevi in Lazio, St. Peter, confessor, who was distinguished for many virtues and miracles.  He is honoured in that place from which he departed for heaven.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

August XXX.
St. Rose of Lima, Virgin
SS. Felix and Adauctus, Martyrs
St. Fiaker of Ireland, Anchoret and Confessor
St. Pammachius, Confessor
St. Agilus, or Aile, Abbot

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