Quinto Idus Septémbris. Luna.


Quinto Idus Septémbris. Luna . The Ninth Day of September. The Night of the Moon.

Nicomedíæ pássio sanctórum Mártyrum Doróthei et Gorgónii, qui, cum essent apud Diocletiánum Augústum honóres amplíssimos consecúti, et persecutiónem, quam ille Christiánis inferébat, detestaréntur, præsénte eo, jussi sunt primo appéndi, et flagris toto córpore laniári; deínde, viscéribus pelle nudátis, acéto et sale perfúndi, sicque assári in cratícula; atque ad últimum, láqueo necári.  Interjécto autem témpore, beáti Gorgónii corpus Romam delátus fuit, ac via Latína pósitum, et inde ad Basílicam sancti Petri translátum.
At Nicomedia, the holy martyrs Dorothy and Gorgonius.  The greatest honours had been conferred on them by Emperor Diocletian, but as they detested the cruelty which he exercised against the Christians, they were by his order hung up in his presence and lacerated with whips.  Then, having the skin torn off from their bodies and vinegar and salt poured over them, they were burned on a gridiron, and finally strangled.  After some time the body of blessed Gorgonius was brought to Rome and deposited on the Latin Way.  From there it was transferred to the basilica of St. Peter.

In Sabínis, trigésimo ab Urbe milliário, sanctórum Mártyrum Hyacínthi, Alexándri et Tibúrtii.
Among the Sabines, thirty miles from Rome, the holy martyrs Hyacinth, Alexander, and Tiburtius.

Sebáste, in Arménia, sancti Severiáni, qui, cum Licínii Imperatóris esset miles, et Quadragínta Mártyres in cárcere deténtos frequens visitáret, hinc, jussu Lysiæ Præsidis, saxo ad pedes ligáto suspénsus est, ac, verbéribus cæsus et flagris laniátus, in torméntis réddidit spíritum.
At Sebaste in Armenia, St. Severian, a soldier of Emperor Licinius.  For frequently visiting the Forty Martyrs in prison, he was suspended in the air with a stone tied to his feet by order of the governor Lysias, and being scourged and torn with whips, yielded up his soul in the midst of his torments.
Eódem die pássio sancti Stratónis, qui pro Christo, ad duas árbores ligátus atque discérptus, martyrium consummávit.
On the same day, St. Strato, who ended his martyrdom for Christ by being tied to two trees and torn asunder.
Item sanctórum Mártyrum Rufíni et Rufiniáni fratrum.
Also, the holy martyrs Rufinus and Rufinian, brothers.

In territorio Tarvanénsi, in Gállia, sancti Audomári Epíscopi.
In the territory of Terouanne, St. Omer, bishop.

In monastério Cluanénsi, in Hibérnia, sancti Queráni, Presbyteri et Abbátis.
In the monastery of Clonmacnoise in Ireland, St. Kiaran, priest and abbot.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

September IX.
SS. Gorgonius, Dorotheus, and Companions, Martyrs
St. Omer, Bishop and Confessor
St. Kiaran, Abbot in Ireland
St. Osmanna of Ireland, Virgin
St. Bettelin, Hermit and Confessor

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

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Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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